Chapter 60 alex

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I just arrived at kat&liam so think Lilly surgery prob only about to start now I gotta wait 8 hours to find out how my baby is I really want her to be okay I need her
Liam-you coming or are sitting here all day
I get out car not saying a word and walk past the house to beach walk down to bottom where Lilly usually goes I sit on the rocks and just cry I don't want talk anyone but Lilly I want Lilly I can't believe I couldn't stay at hospital I need be with her she's all alone she need me but no I had promise stay here in till they phone me I want my fiancée all sudden someone head in on my shoulder i look over about push them off me then I realised it Lacey
Lacey-Alex she is going be okay you has us all she will fight she has to
Alex-when did you become all grown up I'm proud of you I'm one who should be comforting you your sister in hospital and I need be there for you
Lacey-no you don't need me we can see how much she mean to you if wasn't for you we all wouldn't here today i love goofy
Alex-you haven't called me that in while but thank you lace my little cupcake always be she be fine she has be
We Lacey what the sunset while cuddling to my arm she holds me tell me stop tears Lilly is strong she will be okay
Katie-there you too are come food ready
Alex-go on lace I'll be in abit go have some food
Lacey walk to the house but stay where I am
Katie-al please come eat something
Alex-I'm not hungry please just leave me alone I want be alone
Katie-no Lilly wouldn't want you to be Like this now stop and come inside
I start to crying please leave me fuck alone I ay while my head in my knees
Katie-now listen to me my best friend your fiancée is in hospital she strong brave and you been through so much and she will get through this too
Alex-how do you know she giving up you never heard the stuff she was saying tell me to move on and be happy she will always love me but wants be forgott about her she's was saying fucking goodbye but I don't want move never will I love her too much she become by wife once she better she better get better all I can't live with her
Katie-you been here for 6 hours please have something to eat once they are done they phone you she was scared that why she saying stuff like this please come inside
Alex-no leave me alone all sudden Logan come out with Liam
Logan-dadd daddy
I wipe my eyes straight away pick him up
Alex-hey bud how's my little man
I through him in air catch him he loves he start giggling
Logan-where momma momma
Alex-your see her soon bud
Logan-she's singing I want hear her voice momma voice amazing
Alex-she has amazing voice doesn't she and I loved here her voice too shall we outta momma voice on
I put Lilly album on every one come out to dance
I give Logan to Kat walk too rocks with my phone with Lilly voice on is so loud so everyone can hear her.
I love listen to her everyday even when wants snap at me I just want her here I don't care how I love her so much please baby be okay you promised you right
Everyone been dancing for 2 hours now I've crying for longer
Alex-fuck sake just phone already I turn the music off as I shout
Katie-Lacey do want take in kids inside please
Lacey-I can't he needs me
Chase-Lacey take kids inside please let me speak Alex everyone heads inside
Chase-Alex they will phone soon son she be okay she want live so she will fight
Alex-what if doesn't I can't loose her never want loser please make her stay with me forever
Chase-she doesn't want loose you to she love you so much and she afraid of......
Ring ring ring
Alex-dr Mills?
Dr Mills-hello Alex just giving you update she out of surgery now she okay but I need come in we need talk face face
Alex-she okay then she alive what else is more important she she okay
Dr Mills-I'm sorry Alex but need come in she's okay for now
Alex-on my way
Chase-what going on
Lacey runs out but didn't see her
Alex-they said she okay for now they need talk to me sound serious what if she don't make it I can't I just can't leave her
Lacey-Alex no she's okay now let's go
Alex-Lacey you need stay here please
Lacey-no I'm coming to see my sister
Chase-Lacey no your staying with with Kat while me and Alex go hospital I will come get you later
Alex-I'll phone you when I know what's going on
We head to hospital and reach Lilly's room dr Mills is waiting for me
Alex-where is Lilly
Dr Mills-could come to my office and we can have chat
Alex-where is Lilly
Dr Mills she bee here soon they just down at the scan so let go have chat time we finish she should be here

Dr Mills -please take seat Alex me Rhys
Chase -please call me chase
Dr Mills-I think we got all the cancer we just making sure that's why she having scan but she had few compercation during surgery she had massive blood clot we had do a blood transfusion I think out of woods now but there's one thing that's happened she might not ever able have anymore kids the blood cloth Riped part of her uterus
Alex-what does mean never be able to again or is there chance please tell me she okay she will survive all of this
Chase-my poor baby she okay right
Dr Mills she fine but next 24 hours is where she high risk she will start wake up after 3 hours so find out more then
Alex-thank you for everything you have done ..

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