Chapter 28 lilly

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2 weeks later ............
Arg ARG Noooooo help me please don't don't touch
Alex-Lilly Lilly wake up wake up please you having a nightmare
Lilly-get fuck off me please don't touch me nooooo!help please anyone!!
I jump realised I'm awake and Alex look worried
Lilly-oh Alex it keep happening I can't sleep without dreaming of that night ever night I'm so tiered
Alex-maybe we need phone the doctor dr mills said they things we can do to help at leat your scars have healed now
Lilly-no I'll be fine I'm going back work then things might change
Alex-are you sure you ready baby
Lilly-yes need get back to normal
Buzz buzz buzz
Alex you can get that I'm soo tired
Lills it my mum I'll speak to her
Sarah Hey-Lilly pad
Hey mum she too tired atm
Tasha-baby is she okay I know everything's please I need know she okay
Alex-how do you know hat happened and ermmmm she will be fine mom
Sarah-don't you dare shove me off you I know better than that Lilly I told Sarah few days everything what happened and you mr couldn't even phone me let me know it's be 2 weeks Alex-creeds
Alex-stop yelling I'm sorry it wasn't up to me to tell you mum it happen to her not me yes I lost baby which fucking kill but I can't show that to her she been through so much
Sarah-I'm sorry sweetie I don't mean to yell I'm worried about you both and her dad worried to I think you should bring her Seattle for few days give her a break
Alex-I mom but she can't fly and she's been stubborn she wants go to work
Sarah-fine ill speak to her later when she fills up to it I love both look after sweetie
Alex-we love you too
I open my eyes to Alex walking back in
Lilly-who was on the phone
Alex-it's was my mum she wanted to speak to you see how you are
Lilly-why didn't wake me up
Alex-no you need rest you was up half the night anyway how are you feeling
Lilly starving shall I make some food and we could watch a movie
Alex-I'll make some food you choose the movie
Half hour later ding ding
Katie shouts through I'll get the door
Katie-anyone order food
Alex -me here ya go mate thank you
Alex there enough for you too as well he says
Katie-it's just me tonight Liam gone out he has football training he be bk later

Alex walks throught the bedroom did you choose a movie
Lilly-yeah but let watch in living room kat can join us
Alex-yo Kat wanna watch movie with us
Katie-go on then
We all go out to living room
Lilly-Alex I thought you was gonna cook
Alex-when do I cook but I order your favourite Chinese
Lilly-thank you come let me after one
Katie-are you being serious I love this film Hardin Scott and tessa young I love them
Lilly-Hardin aka hero his fit I wouldn't mind abit of him
(Cough cough)
Lilly Al you okay
Alex-baby I don't want hear you talk talk boys
Lilly-baby it's just a movie I love you always you
Alex-love you too
We start to watch the movie while waiting our food I have bottle-water Alex has beer and Katie has glass of wine
Alex keep looking at me I think his worried about me most night I used have glass of wine I won't touch it it's that don't want too it well I don't feel up to it at moment we finally had sex after 2 weeks I have been feel so good since but I don't under why I know I can't be pregnant yet it's too early I have really we might ripped one of my scars maybe it was too soon I love Alex I don't want him to worry
I finishing watching movie I end up crying me and Katie shout out
Lilly/Katie why didn't just tell her about fucking bet
Katie -boys are prick sometime
Sometimes I say and wink to Alex
Ding ding ding
Alex -Who that it better Liam he forgot his keys I not fact company tonight
Lilly-I get it then shall I
I walk to the door open it all sudden I have people jumps in my arms hugging me
Sarah-are you okay sweetie
Mercy-sis I'm here for you
Alex-what did I say mom she needs rest you not helping
Lilly-Alex I'm fine stop worrying
Sarah-it's my turn to look after both of you
Mercy-I miss you big bro and I miss to my sis from another mother
Lilly -I missed you too  well come On in don't stand there
Lilly-Katie this Sarah and mercy Alex's mother and sister
Sarah- it's nice to meet Katie
Mercy -nice to meet you I've heard so much about you
Katie-nice to see you both I've heard a lot about you too
Mercy-only nice things I hope
Katie-of course Lills only speak about you all the time
Mercy-of course she does than his ass whole
We end laughing and Katie tell us night she's going to phone Liam
Alex lucky we have spare bedroom well it's more like basement but use can stay in there if you like
Sarah -that's sounds okay thanks son
Alex-I'll go take your bags down mercy help us out
Sarah whisper thank you In Alex ear
Lilly-would you like drink
Sarah-could nick glass of that wine please
Lilly-carry on I'm not drinking only water and coffee for me
Sarah-well come on you think we need a chat I'm here to look after you now something I should done from 2 weeks ago
Lilly-stop please you don't need to do this
Sarah-Lilly pad I love like your my own daughter always have I'm here for you now I think we catch up and talk don't you
Lilly-okay thank you
We walk to bedroom and shoot the door behind us
All sudden she give me a big hug
Sarah-I'm so sorry Lilly I wish I was here for you if I known I would have been but I'm here now
Lilly-thank you much it means a lot to me
Sarah-talk to me I can feel you holding something in
I let breath that I didn't even realised I was holding
Lilly-I start crying say I feel so lost I know me Alex was not planning on having kids he has college and I just started my job and college but I feel like I'm missing piece of me now I was 2 months pregnant someone took it away from I feel broken I keep having nightmares ever night since it happened it won't stop.I want comfort Alex too I've seen him sitting in our summer house in the garden crying holding on to picture of scan they took before taking baby out of me it's breaking me his hurting so much but trying be brave infront of me when I know deep down it's killing both of us.I can't hope with all this plain I just wish I could roll over intill ball and it all to be over the police finally found the man last week He be sentencing soon but I wanna go back to work but I don't at same time I'm a scared to even leave this house I haven't been out since came back from hospita.I really can't cope anymore what can I do it's hurt so badly..
Knock knock
Alex opens the door sees me crying
I quickly wipe my eyes
Sarah-son five few minutes please
He shut door and he looked so worried
Sarah-listen to me sweet I'm gonna help you we are gonna talk Alex get both to talk about baby together I know it's hard but you need talk otherwise you won't get better.I'm gonna support you both and we gonna take walk tomorrow we gonna get out of this house it will do you good we will get back to singing sweetie please don't hold anything in I'm here Alex here
Lilly-thank you so much
Sarah-have glass wine and relax have sleep we start early in morning
Lilly-I can't drink wine making feel sick but I'm gonna get my pjs on try get some sleep
Sarah-okay sweetie goodnight
She give me kiss on cheek heads out 
I get Alex top and put in on then get in bed and go to
Sleep ........

I'm changing Alex's mom name to Tasha I think it suit her better

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