Chaoter 67 lilly

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I get into hotel room in the twins room I close door Quietly Sarah there sat watching tv hike twins are sleep.
Sarah-Lilly what the matter hun shouldn't you be with Alex
Lilly-I'm not with Alex I hate him please I don't want talk about it I'm going enjoy my time here with my siblings and so my tour stay away from him
Sarah-if want talk you know where I am I'm gonna head off now call me if want chat if not see you 2 nights
I say bye to Sarah and thank her for looking after the twins I locked door undress my one bag is in here with my tours clothes I slip on my pjs and snuck into Lacey room and lie next to her
Lacey-Lilly what the matter
Lilly-nothing sweetie go back sleep
Lacey-you been crying I hear it in your voice what he done
Lilly-lace indint think he loves me anymore I think he cheated on me
Lacey-that bastard he hurt I'm never speaking to him again how could he hurt you
I cry and end fall sleep with Lacey cuddled up to me 
I wake up to bang bang I look over to find Lacey not here sneak around corner where I see Alex and Lacey arguing
Lacey-Alex get out now she doesn't want see you
Alex-lace please let me see her
Lacey -it's Lacey not lace now get out you hurt her leave us alone
Jake-what's going on
Alex-let me see Lilly I need clear things up. I thing happen i swear
Lacey-why would think you cheated on her then
Jake-you did what ? You cheated on my sister get out leave my sisters alone leave us alone I though you were different now look you hurt her now get out before call security
Alex-lace and jake listen I love you sister is never cheat on her it's miss understanding
Lace stamps door in his face shout leave her alone
Jake coming running towards be give me a big hug and says sis are you sure he cheat on you what ever did happen he seem like didn't do anything maybe you should talk
Lilly-I can't I seen girl she said thank for tonight Alex and winks at him he was fine hours nobody knew where he was he left me i though he loved me
Lacey-you don't need speak to him we are going going enjoy the tours then go home I'm gonna be here
2 nights later
Alex constley text me calls me saying his sorry he wants talk nothing happened please talk to me let me explain but I can't I refused to go to his games jake went with Kat but me and Lacey never did we had girls day in spa relax tbh I've enjoy these two day with Lacey I've need this with my sister.well tonight my 1st tour tonight
Katie-are you ready lills and Alex wants to come but Sarah would give him a ticket so you safe tonight babe
Lilly-thanks babe give few mins

After getting ready I come out so nervous never been like this before this because i miss him so much my heartbreak I spoke to Logan and Bella his morning I haven't told Alex mom what happens but I think she new something was up
Lacey-sis I love this v.I.p entrance your going be amazing your support act is on she okay but not as good as your best
Lilly-lace I know last minutiae but I want you right by when I sing sister
Lacey-really is that ok I don't want to get in trouble
Lilly-I spoken to Sarah she wants that too when call you out want come so now in my dresser there dress for you that Sarah got you
Lacey-omg thank you so much I love you Now go stop worrying about him I can see it in your eyes go to your fans enjoy it
After I say goodby to Lace before give my phone kat my phone Buzz it's text from Alex
Alex❤️-hey lills good luck tonight even I know you don't need it your gonna be amazing I really wanted to be there Sarah refused to give ticket because of everything that happened please baby let me explain I promise I never cheated on you I never will I love you so much forever and always baby xxxxxxxx
I feel like I'm frozen I can't move how dare he say he loves me forever and always he wouldn't of cheated on me if he loves me.
Katie-lills are you okay v
Lilly-sorry Kat please don't lills i can't stand that anymore it just remind me him and no he text me how dare he say he love me when cheated on me
Katie-Lilly hear him I think both need talk I'm not sticking up for him but I do believe him I think you need talk
Lilly-how do you believe him if not sticking for him ??
Katie-come just talk to him
Lilly-don't I am not listening to you about this he runnn our relationship this is all his fault
Katie-NO Lilly your being selfish by not hearing him out
Lilly-I thought you were my friend who are you tell me I'm being selfish he is one he done this to us he could explain he message but all get us I love talk me I'm sorry why is he sorry if didn't do anything
Katie-Stop being a stuck up bitch and talk him
Lilly-Yano what fuck you fuck him I need need none of you get out I don't want you here
I stomp off how dare she start on me just before my tour I don't fucking need any of them I've got my siblings and my baby's at home I don't anyone
Sarah-hello my sexy pop star you ready wait let sort make up out now stop crying talk to me
I tell Sarah everything we have came really close these last two days I can't believe she only 2 year older than me and own vogue it amazes me.
Sarah-I've got news don't if you want me change it
Well we record label back in New York so this will only 1 night in England as we have concert after concert for you back home
Lilly-sar thank you so much I can't wait get out of here I need go home
Sarah-I knew you would want with everything that's going on this record label is top one wants to see you well I've got all your bags from his room everything is on our tour bus and we bk home by tomorrow
Now go enjoy self
She pushes me on stage
Lilly-hello England

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