Chapter 20 Alex

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Can't believe she going to come with me back to our hometown Seattle every misses her I bet they won't even regonise her though she changed so much but I love her with everything I have
When ask if she ready she says yes just touch up my make up put my new necklace on and take this jumper off give me few minutes she says 
As she goes in bedroom I see left the card on table I don't who from I'll remind her before we leave in case from her dad
Alex-hey lils you left card in table I don't who it's from I say
As she walks out the bedroom my mouth drops
To floor she wearing a low v dress it bright red her boobs look huge in this dress it fits her lovely bottom dress is above knee and just blow her arse omg I hope they many blokes there tonight I say
Alexxxx she says
Alexxxx she says
Shit I thinking calling me
Alex-sorry baby you look stunning I say now I don't wanna go I want to fuck here and now I say while bitting my lips
Lilly-stop we need meet up with others anyway is this card from you and you already got me one
Alex- it's not from be baby it was on floor my the door I thought might from your dad
Lilly not my dad got his this morning
She open it jumps back and screams throws the card on the floor
Alex what is it who's it from he says
Lilly-why does she have to runin everything
I pick up the card up open it its grave sorry for your loss on the front I
Open it omg ther pick of Lilly when she walking college they stuck on card drawn R.I.P on it then say happy 19th birthday hope you enjoy while can you whoore haha love ya mamm mooo
Alex-are fucking shitting me how dare she send you this
Grab Lilly who is shaking into my arm she is frozen I think she in shock
Lills look at me I'll get rid of it don't listen to her she won't get near you I promise you
Lilly while sobbing she said don't you I need it when we leave can pop some where first she says
Alex-of course but where
Lilly-The police it's time I get injunction now
And Alex I know you want move in with me I really want you too but I want to move I don't feel safe knowing she knows we're I live
Alex-baby yes I complete understand I'll stay with but I'll look for new place for us to stay in tomorrow if that's okay
Lilly-thank you I love Al
We leave the apartment head out to the police station
I'm really angry at hat women for hurting her I'm never gonna forgive her for what she done to my girl
Lills grab my hand calms be down and says we here but can you stay here she say I need can keep running
Alex-are you don't want me to come
Lills I need to this on my own babe I love you
As I waiting for Lilly return my phone starts to buzz
I answer it
Hello I say
Megan-hey AlEX it's Megan I got your number from Lewis
Alex-why he giving my number out why are you phone me
Megan -wanna hook up
Alex-no I have girlfriends
She goes say something but I put phone down I need to Lilly this
Lilly hey babe she says give me kiss
She seem abit happier
Alex-hey are you okay baby ?
Lilly-yes I feel a lot better now police will contact me when papers are done they going warn her to stay away so hopefully she will listen
Alex-aww I'm glad there helping you
Lilly-you seem down are you okay she says
Alex yes erm had phone call from random girl my old roommate Lewis gave her number she asking for me hook up with her I said no I have girlfriend and put phone down
Lilly-why do people always trying get between she says
Alex-you know I only want you
Lilly-thank you for telling me babe I love you
Alex I love you baby

We reach the bar and Kat and Liam are outside waiting
Kate-about time took you long enough
Lilly-sorry we late
Alex- we here now let go inside
Liam-I'll buy first around he says I'll come with you I say
Kat and Lills head to dance floor but seems to  be having good chat I really hope she's okay after what happened today
Liam- you okay bro
Alex-yeah just worried about Lills
Alex-shit when down again with her mother she so hurt she don't why she can't leave her alone it's pissing me off how she hurting my girl
Liam-oh shit well let's have good night and deal with what happens next tomorrow I'll be here if you us bro
Alex-thanks bro
Lilly runs up me asking we can go karaoke duet she says
Alex-I'm not drink enough todo this Lills
Lills-well come on let get wasted she says
Lilly decides to have cocktails about 6 then she had vodka and lemonade 3 times and she shots I've lost how many she had of those now keep ordering Moore 3 hours later she still going
Alex-I thought you were only having one two drink I say
Lilly-well I ent got hangover anymore I want to be happppppyyy be free she starts dancing on my lap
Alllllleeeeeexxxxx iiiii lovvbbeee youujjj
Alex-your so drunk come on shall head out
Lilly-na na karrrrokeed she says
Alex karaoke?
She head up I've told her I'm doing alt so grabs kat heads to the stage but Kat runs back to us
Lilly shouts fine I'll do it myself your list then starts laughing
Got she so smashed she's gonna regret this tomorrow I say

If I should stay
I would only be in your way
And so I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you each step of the way
And I will always love you
I will always love you
Bitter-sweet memories
That's all I'm taking with me
Good-bye, please don't cry
'Cause we both know that I'm not
What you need
I will always love you Alex
I will always love you Alex
I hope life, treats you kind
And I hope that you have all
That you ever dreamed of
I wish you joy
And I wish you happiness
But above all this
I wish you love
And I love you will always love you
I, I will always, always love you
I will always love you Alex
I will always love you
I will always love you
I love she singing a song to me but why making me sad that song is like saying goodby
Is trying to leave me I won't let that happen .....

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