Chaoter 71 lilly

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I've been in ladies room for about 20 mins but I can't  move.
Katie-Lilly you in here
I stay quiet hoping she go away
Katie-Lilly I know there j can see your show all sudden push the door open and I'm stuck my fingers down my throat
Katie-Lilly stop now! You don't need to this  talk me
Lilly-go away kat you don't understand please leave me alone I'll be out in abit
Katie-fine have it you way
She walk out I'm throwing up I can't stand feel this way but I can't eat I haven't l eaten in days since I thought Alex was cheating and I left him I wanted to be skinny I hate my body I just don't understand why he love it so much I can't stand my bodie it's horrible I finish throwing up and washing my hands throw some water in my face lucky some mint hewing I quick chew it then throws it way.I really hope she hasn't told Alex I walk outside the room and Katie there alone so she's hasn't told Alex yet.
Kat-have you finished now talk to me
Lilly-just drop it please and don't tell anyone
Katie-talk to me then
Lilly-I don't want fucking talk about it I shout
Everyone looks at me and Alex come running over
Lilly-I'm not dealing with this fuck this shit I'm out 
I run off I can't have people shouting at me over this I no it's wrong but I don't feel happy in my body anymore I hate my body so much I end up crying I walk sat on London's bridge my phone buzzes it's my dad FaceTime I wipe my eye hopefully he can't tell I answer the FaceTime and say hey to my dad and my baby's
Lilly-Hey dad...
Chase-hey baby girl how's London
Lilly-I'm sat on bridge having walk before head back getting ready for the match later but I love it here I miss my baby's tho
Chase-well they miss you too
Lilly-hey Logan and Bella I miss both so much you having fun with grandpa
Logan-yes but I want dad
Lilly-we all will be home together soon I promise baby me and your dad love you both so much
Bella-dada dada
Lilly-no baby daddy's not here at moment
Bella-no she frowns at me but says daddy
Logan-no mom dada behind you
I jumped and Alex is right behind me He gives me me kiss on check
Bella-daddda daddda
Alex-hey munchkin I love and miss you
Bella-Daada home
Alex-soon baby
Logan-I miss dad I've been watching you every night can't wait see you love you
Alex-love you to Loga now me and your mom gotta go
Bella-loves you momma daddda
Logan-love you both
Lilly-love you baby's see you soon I promise
We blow kisses to them say bye
Alex-don't cry baby let's go for walk
He wipes my tears stands up and pull me up and we walk hand in hand
Alex-lills listen to me no what we say I love you I'm always here to support you don't forget that
I nod my head
Lilly-i know she told you but Alex I can't help it
Alex-baby talk to me like I said I'm here and I always am
Lilly-I've trying to shut out it don't want to think about it and just do it but I can't help it I feel like My body has failed me it's has for long time since time I found I had cancer then I can't have kids then I thought you was cheating on me I though because of my body felt fat and ugly that reason why I start this and still feel fat I've been trying hide specially because lace and what she's been through
Alex stop hold my hand to make me stop and look at him but I stop but look down
Alex-look at me lills
Lilly-I can't I feel ashamed for how I'm feeling and what I'm doing I feel ashamed of my body
Alex-lills I love you juat way you are your perfect one oh it's t wish anymore else you had 2 of my beautiful kids your amazing mom your amazing fiancée I can't wait to marry you I promise you I never cheated on you and never will your my life baby please start to love you else's more I like I love every inch of you your perfect to me I wish you you knew that.
I look up at my fiancée with my eyes filled with tears  
And face wet he wipes my tears way he lets go of my hand pull me into his arm
Alex-she baby I know I love you don't ever forget that i promise you We get through this together we always works best working as team and I promise you your perfect
Lilly-I'm so sorry for everything and thank you for sticking by me for everything I'm sorry I'm crying running your day
Alex-shh baby I've happy your okay and your here with me I'm luckiest man alive
I giggle which made Alex smile
Lilly-come be best get back get ready for the match tonight
Alex-plus I need to check to make sure your not hurt
Lilly-she hardly touched me compare to her and babe thank you for not leaving me
Alex-I'm never leaving and I thought it was sexy when protecting what slays been yours
I giggled
Alex-what only stating the truth I love baby forever and always
Lilly-love you forever and always babe

3 hours later I'm getting ready Alex and Liam have already left Alex didn't want but I promised him I'll be fine.k I'm m wear sports New York 1 football crop top with a mini skirt  and high heeled boots
Lilly-Kat !!!
Lilly-do I look ok or do I looked fat ?
Lacey-no dine looked fat you never do beautiful
Katie-what she said Geogous
Lilly-thanks both wasnt shore weather to cover up
Katie-well Alex would want you cover up but that only because how sexy you look so don't dare give up knock him dead!!
Jake-are we ready want to go!!!
Lacey-chill will ya we it's too early
Lilly-we ready now let's go then
Katie-taxi outside let's go

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