Chaoter 77 lilly

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Today is he day I wake up and Alex is gone has gone past 9 already I grab my phone it's only 8.I get up so myself coffee I wake myself up abit last night was amazing I got sit the little sofa but there not there I can tell it from Alex.
Dear my wife to be
I'm so excited for today I woke up around 6.30 didn't want wake you up so head off as if I woke you up I wouldn't want to leave you.I can't air to see you and you become my wife I love you always and forever I rambler don't stress everthing is sorted I love you Lilly Rhys ❤️ xxxx
He wrote me not he surprise me all the I love this man so much can't wait become his wife this day is going me amazing I'm so happy get celebrate become mr and Mrs with all family by our side.
Knock knock
I open the door
Katie-can I open my eye are both decent
Lilly-it's just me he left before I woke up
Katie-I'm glad he listen he promblem going get Logan and Jake then
Lilly-yeah I know he suppose go to my dads this morning and my dad dropping lace off soon
2 hours later all my bridesmaid are ready they wear short blue strapless dress with baby blue high heels but my maid of honour is wear dark blue they all look amazing.
Lilly-wow girls your all amazing your all look beautiful
Katie-now go get your dress on I'll help so don't mess your hair your stylist has done amazing job
I nod we head into the room I slip T-shirt off while Kat is in bath room and I slip my white sexy trap less bra on and white sexy thongs on Katie come out with my dress
Katie-you ready let's get this dress on before your dad arrives
I step into the dress I pull it up and Kat zip it up I feel amazing in this I feel like a princess
Katie this pearl white princess dress with lace arms and fur pull over looks amazing on you but have one thing to add
Lilly-what that's
Kat place a vale with diamond on front
Katie-your beautiful you white high heels are stunning
Lilly-hopefully I won't fall
Katie-don't worry I know you won't now let's go
I walk out and my girls are have mouths wide open my dad standing there crying but happy crying
Lilly-dad are you crying
Chase-I look amazing your grow up so much your beautiful Women I'm Proud of you
Lilly-don't cry your make me cry I can't run in my make up
Lacey-Lilly you look Beautufull Alex is lucky to have you and I'm lucky to have you as my sister
Lilly-aww lace I love you sweetie thank you now come on your limo is downstairs I say to bridesmaid and my maid
Katie-and you dad coming with us meet you there your horse carriage is her too
I walk outside wow this is amazing my dad help up then walk into the limo before taking lots of pictures
After going around city for 20 mins we arrive and Trisha is waiting there with Bella my dad help me out
Trisha-omg Lilly your beautufull girl Alex is going know what hit him I'm gonna leave Bella with you head inside I love you
Lilly-thank you and is he okay v
Trisha-he can't wait see you
Bella runs over to me
Bella-momma beautifully dress
Lilly-thank you baby but your beautiful
All sudden music starts and Kat grabs Bella hand they walk down isle then bridesmaid walk with Lacey looking back and winks at me
Chase-are you ready baby girl
Lilly-I'm finally ready dad please don't let Me fall
Chase-I promise
I hold to my dad arm slowly start waking into the church as turn to go down isle I see him stand right front next Liam looking so nervous but soon as he turn towards be the nervous goes he seems so happy I can't help but smile he look so sexy in black and white suit
As get to front my dad give my arms to Alex and says I knew you too would find a way back I'm proud of you both I give him kiss check walk with alas to front
Alex-I love you Lilly today is our day
Lilly-I love you too
After presit talks welcome everyone does little speech ask if no why we can't get married lucky no did
Presit-now Alex Ryan creeds could you say your bowels as I'm aware you write your own
Alex nods and faces towards me
Alex-I have to catch my breath to believe this is real, that I am marrying my true love, my heart's desire, and my best friend I vow to kiss you everyday, as we do today - with love and devotion. That each kiss we share from now, will be a remembrance of our wedding vows, our joy, and everything we share I vow to love you as you love me, through all hardship, darkness, and pain to reach for our joys, our hopes, and always with honesty and faith As your husband, I am yours, and I tenderly deliver you my heart.
I love you always and forever Lilly
Lilly-I promise to be your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days. I pledge to honor you, love you and cherish you as my husband today and every day I promise to be your navigator, best friend, and wife. I promise to honor, love, and cherish you through all life's adventures. Wherever we go, we'll go together Today, surrounded by all of your loved ones, I choose you to be my husband. I am proud to be your wife and to join my life with yours. I vow to support you, inspire you, and love you always. For as long as we both shall live, I will be by your side–for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer. You are my one and only today and every day I love you always and forever Alex.
Presit-Alex Ryan creeds do take Lilly to be your wife
Presit Lilly-Rae Rhys do take Alex to be your husband
Lilly-I do
Presit-your now husban and wife congrats mr and Mrs creeds you may kiss the bride
Alex pull me back into his arms kisses me everyone clapping
Alex-I love you Mrs creeds
Lilly-I love you mr creeds

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