Chapter 55 alex

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I walk outside to go nursery with my son nurse Amy is pushing the crib there.Katie rushes over to me
Katie-omg Alex he is so beautiful congrats how Lilly doing can I see her
All sudden fall to the floor Liam catches me I just burst out crying
Nurse Amy -sir I need take baby to nursery which just in room here talk with your friend your soon in safe place will do all check on him
Katie-thank you he be right there
Katie-Alex look at me what happened
Alex-she was fine she passed me Logan and then all sudden she black out heart monitor was flickering really low they kicked me out they won't let stay with her
Kat starts to cry runs to Lills room open door
Katie-where is Lilly's Rhys where is my sister she shouts!!
Doctor Mills -Alex what you doing her and what all this shouting
Alex-it's Lilly she's had the baby but she blacked out and heart dropped I don't know what going or where she is
Dr Mills -let me go find out what going on
30 mins later dr Mills and nurse filed comes out me and Kat stand up straight
Alex-what's going where Lilly
Dr Mills -follow us please sir we will take you Lilly
We all follow the dr they open and room there is Lilly sitting smiling talking to a nurse
Run over to her
Alex-lils don't ever do that me again I though I lost you
Lilly brush hand through my hair your not getting rid of me that easy she says
She wipes my tears
Lilly-Alex look at me I'm fine
Alex-but your heart stopped
Lilly-that cause I ripped own pushing Logan and I had blood clot but everything is fine now I'm okay I didn't even need surgery they stitches me back up I'm okay
Alex-please never scare like this again
Lilly calls kat over
Lilly-now you don't you start ethire wipe them tears look all of you I'm okay I'm alive I'm am not going anywhere I'm not leaving you now someone go and get my son
Right on cue nurse Amy bring the crib into room and says all checks are done everything looks great congrats again and walks out I'm so glad my girlfriend and my son are both okay.I pick my son give a cuddle and pass him to Lilly
Lilly-Alex look at him looks just like you
Liam-aww a mini Alex better looking though
I smack Liam shoulder
Alex-ay I beautiful thank you very much
Katie-can I hold my god son please
Liam-they haven even ask you to be god mother yet
Lilly-well who else is going to be
Alex-Kat is obvs going godmother unless you want be godmother
We start laughing Lilly hands Logan over to Katie
Katie-hey there little one I'm your auntie Kat and your godmother you have best family all round you we love you so much and your auntie Lacey is going love you so much and your uncle Jake is too
Knock knock
I open door to chase
Hey chase come one and meet your grandson
Katie hands him over to chase and says me Liam going head of now leave you to it
Katie-if you want me to have twins  over next few day juat drop off or message me I'll come grab them
Chase-thank you kat I might take up on that offer specially with Lacey
We all laugh
Chase -well done sweetheart I'm so proud of you look beautiful little boy his gonna be so spoilt
Lilly-thank you dad and thank you for everything
Chase I'm going let twins in for abit before head home
Alex-I'll come with you
Chase hands Logan back to Lilly and kiss her forehead and says I love Lilly I'm so proud of you
Alex-Chase I've been meaning to have chat with you
Chase-what is it son
Alex-well you known I've loved Lilly every since we was little I'm so glad I got her back and now we have beautiful son and two devil sibling to look after and wouldn't change anything for world but I need ask you if I could have your permission to marry your daughter
Chase eye fills up
Chase-about fucking time i already class as son but it would be amazing if you become my son and you make my daughter so happy and you oook after the devils which I know lace can't be nightmare atm but handle it so great can't think of better man to marry my daughter
Alex-thank you much I would want live my life any other way love them all with everything I have I am not going ask till she out hospital and finally settled
Chase-let us no I will have all the kids you Lilly still need time to yourself go spoil her she deserve it specially everything she's bee. Through
Alex-I will thank you much chase
Lacey-can I meet him
Alex-come on you two let go and meet your nephew
Chase-only for bit kids Lilly needs her rest
Jake-okay dad
We walking into hospital room Lacey walks over to baby where jake runs over to Lilly
Jake-I miss you sis I hope your okay I love you
Lilly-Jake I miss too hope your behaving for dad and I'm okay
Lacey-he is so cute I love him
Lacey runs over Lilly jump on bed to sit next her hold her hand and say thank you for being being okay not ever leaving me
Lilly-I'm not going to leave now do you want hold him
Lacey-can I ????
Alex-sit up next to Lilly hold your arm remember hold him tight but too tight
Alex passes Logan Lacey she hold arm up she gives him big kiss says I'm your auntie Lacey Alex take pictures of them for me then jake holds him he was scare at first but his okay when Alex help him he looked so cute with his nephew and Lacey too a picture for memories

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