Chapter 74 alex

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I wake up to Lilly alarm she turns it off about to get of bed but I pull back into me.
Lilly-I need get up we got things todo today babe
Alex-but I want stay here with you
Lilly-come one you need get ready and take boys out
Alex-fine I'm up but you owe me later I wink
Lilly-I'm afraid not baby not for next few days
Alex-fuck your on your blob
Lilly-not my fault Mother Nature
Lilly has shower then ready heads down while I get ready
10 mins later I'm shoving my clothes I hear Lilly shouting
Lilly-fuck sake man the bins over are too full the dishwasher isn't on so floor needs moping grate start to fucking day
Alex-calm down I'll come help you
Lilly-NO I'll do it myself like always do
Alex-let me do it you go relax
Lilly-nope not going happen leave me alone
This women fucking stubborn I tell you 1 min she's fine next she's been hormonal this day going fun I start giggle
Lilly-what are you laughing she glared at me
Lilly-don't you....
On que Lacey and Jake come Walking through the door
Jake-morning you pair kat drop us off she said will
Phone later
Alex-morning jake morning lace
Lacey-don't you morning me I hate mornings I want my bed
Jake-she's on blob
Alex-just our luck they both are on same time
Jake-oh kill me now!
Lacey-stop talking about me I can hear you idiots!!
Alex-go away leave her alone jake go and get changed Alex taking you out with Logan today
Lacey-thank god we get some quite
Lilly-I'm sorry lace but me and you are going out I need take you somewhere
Lacey-why I want my bed and hot water bottle
Lilly-we get hot water bottle while we are out
Alex-bye your your hormonal women I'm going get Logan up and take him breakfast out it's Jake
Lilly-don't you fucking start I'm warning you
I hold My hands
Alex-alright I get it are you taking Bella with you
Lilly-no I've got kat coming to have her for the day as Emily busy today shall I text you when I'm done
Alex-I didn't think you want to go
Lilly-of course wanted to go look and book our wedding unless you don't want to marry me any more
Lilly looks down tears fill her eyes
Alex-lace do favour go wake Logan up please
Lacey nods her head walks upstairs
Alex-Lills baby when did I say I do t want to marry you your my women always will be I love you so much nothing in world will get in our way your gonna become my wife I can't fucking wait
I kiss her check
Lilly-thank you babe I think I hear that love you too can't wait till me husband and wife.
Alex-I've booked you appointment for therapy for 12 tomorrow I nearly forgot to tell you
Lilly-you have done what!! I told you I don't want to therapy
Alex-I know what you said but Lills I worried about you your ethire staving yourself or putting your fingers down your throat you need start loving yourself and only way to start is therapy
Lilly-I said I was sorry i said was gonna try my best
Not todo any of this I don't feel comfortable taking to a strangers than I do with you.
Alex-I know baby it worked for Lacey so want you talk to someone you can't always talk to me even tho I wish you did and sometimes you just suffer in silence I wish I could heal everything for please give this a try
Lilly-I give it try but not promising I'll stick with it let see how it's goes tomorrow okay thank you for being here.
Lilly point of view
1 hour later
Kat picked Bella up 20 mins ago and me and Lacey have head for beach before I take her doctors.
Lacey-Lilly can't we go home I don't feel like walking along beach today I want my bed and hot shower
Lilly-we going up to rock we going sit there and talk nobody around we need have a little chat
Lacey-I have done anything wrong I promise
Lilly-no it's nothing bad I promise
Here we are Lacey I sit
Lilly-well I didn't really give you the talk but dad told couldn't do and Alex would just joke about everthing he went mad of me talking to you about this
Lacey-what are you talking about ?
Lilly-first off let start with you period every month you should have a period on same day every month unless your cycle is different we find this out next month when ever you tampax or pads just ask me i grab you some or can I start putting them in the shopping bill now so we have always got them in
Lacey-thank you Lilly thanks for everything you always here to support me no matter what.
Lilly-no promblem if you don't come on you miss your period or it's late and you have unprotected sex we would need todo pregnancy test or get doctors appointment but I don't want that happened you way to young to get pregnant
Lacey-Lilly no I'm not going get pregnant
Lilly-I know your smart I just need make you aware now your 14 nearly 15.we get you in birth controll which I've book you doctors appointment
Lacey-I'm not even having sex why do I need this
Lilly-I'd rather you be safe even tho your saying your not doing this at least if you keep taking this by time you do your be safe but you still needs use condone so you don't sti,hiv aids etc
Lacey-I really don't want to talk about this
Lilly-would rather Alex do it ? He already said your not having a boyfriend till your 30 so god help when do get one
Lacey-it's not funny he so over protective and his not blood related
Lilly-that's because he loves you like a sister he thinks if you and Jake of his siblings even tho your not which I think is cute
Lacey-I think of him as brother too Lilly I promise to be safe and keep taking birth controll
Lilly-thank Lacey if have anything you want to talk to me about boyfriends girls stuff you can always talk to me I promise I'll always be here.
Lacey-thank you
2 hours later
Over doctors appointment and chat with Lacey I think understood why I need talk to her now.I've text Alex to meet us I've dropped Lacey home as she wants to go bed I brought her hot water bottle some films she wanted so gonna go lie in bed.Alex has dropped jake and Logan off at my dads Katie gonna pick them up later for me as stopping over tonight as Liam and Alex have meeting to go to so we gonna drunk.
Alex-come on sexy women get in the car
Lilly-alright chill not like been waiting for you long I wink at him
Alex-I miss you how did talk go with lace
Lilly-better than expect she didn't want talk about it but she understands everything now.
Alex-she still not having boyfriends till she's 30
I laugh
Lilly-I told her that anyway I'm excited to see these venues and book at date

Few hours later we look around 10 different Venues and we finally found perfect one which is close to church as has December 13th free so it's booked in only 2 months intill we get married juat got everything else sorted now.
Alex-I'm so happy we have date
Lilly-I'm over moon 2 months to go baby
Alex-Mrs creeds to be
He give me kiss on lips as we ent the house
Lilly-it seems so quiet
I'm gonna start phone places book dress fittings and can you find the suits for you all
Alex-yes my wife to be
After phone phoning few places I found place that only down town so that's sorted and phone my cousin see if her friend would do food so that's sorted cake sorted and theme I can sort out decorations Alex is sorting dj out this gonna be amazing can't wait .

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