Chapter 4 Alex:

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Mrs brews said the Quote "We can only learn to love by loving ourselves first"
Mr creeds what do you think about think saying
Alex well what I can say love I don't believe In That bullshit I believe your only have 1 soulmate in life but they don't stay they will leave you for you to never see again
Mrs brew that's your opinion but not everyone will agree with you I can 100 say someone will disagree with you
Alex Yeah I well when you through the same shit as me they come back I say you disagree with me .......
Mrs brew miss Rhys could you give us your view on this please and by way welcome to new York
Alex "whaaaatttt!!!!"I must of heard her wrong I'm even thinking of her name what is wrong with me
Then I heard that voice I know that voice anywhere it may of been 10 years but I'll never forgott her ...
Mr creeds be quite let her speak .......
Lilly well I believe in love I believe in myself I feel if you loose your love they will come back to you if they really love you if not then there in chance could find it again or you could become alone for rest of your life .
Mrs brews well I think that is amazing view how you see things thank you
It was nearly end class Mrs brew spoken to every about stupid fucking love which I've had but now she has it I can't get back she has my heart allways will ....

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