Chapter 33 alex

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I scream as I hold her so close to me please baby be okay I need you both hold I beg I start to crying really hard never like before
Alex-someone please do something HELP her I can't loose them both
I'm holder her so tightly I can't let her go Liam trying get me away from her as ambulance help
Liam-let them do there job let them save her
Alex-please both of them
Katie both of them
I doge the question
Baby please be okay I need you I crying as I'm holder her hand
Alex-you can save them can't you
Liam&kat gone outside making statement of what happen with Trisha
Ambulance person 1-them is she pregnant sir ?
Alex-yes around few weeks between 6 and 8weeks Please save my girl and baby I say while tears run down my face
Person 1- we do our very best sir but you need you let go of her now
Person 2 -sir all test have come fine but need take to hospital now do wanna go with her
Alex-yes I don't want leave her please don't make me leave her
Person 1 of course sir let get miss Rhys in the ambulance now
Katie-Alex what's going on is she wake yet
Alex -there taking her in hospital now I'm going go with her
Katie-we will meet you there
Alex-thank you see you there

We head to hospital Lilly lying bed I'm chair hold her hands all sudden monitor start to beep
Person 2- right miss Rhys please stay with us we need you to be strong come on
Alex-what is happening
Person 1 -you need stay in you seating I'm driving as face I can Zack there will sorry miss Rhys out
Alex-Lilly don't you dare die on me I'm telling you me and you forever remember come on baby
Person 2 aka Zack gets the crash cart says 3 2 1 then all sudden Lilly get shock after 2 shocked she start coughing but still not awake her states go back up
Person2-thank you  miss Rhys stay with us now don't give up
we racing to the hospital with blue light we stop at hospital the door open wide
Dr mills-Alex? Is this Lilly
Alex-yes dr please help her
Dr mills-need you go fills some paperwork in for me at the reception while we get Lilly out
Alex-no problem

I head to reception to fill paper asking questions what happened I had put everything with her mother down to her passing out and she being pregnant.
I really hope she okay I need her and hope baby is she wouldn't cope if our baby wasn't survive I don't think would ethire please save them both I say praying.
Dr mills alex i need go to her room is 234 wait there for her we need take her to surgery now
Alex-surgery? Has she lost the baby please tell me they both okay
Dr mills-Alex listen to me I've been filled what happened now she a lot happen today I can't tell if both be okay but I need get her surgery she where this bleeding coming from I'll get someone to come update you while in surgery
Alex-do what ever it takes to save them both please I beg you
Dr Mills -just go to her room and wait
Alex-thank you
I head to room and Katie and Liam are already there
Katie-what happening where is she Alex??
Alex-they rush her to surgery straight away I've just filled paperwork in kat I'm scared I'm gonna loose them
Katie-you keep saying them is she pregnant?
Alex-I sob yes she didn't want anyone to know yet intill but got 12 weeks just incase of misscarige now she hate I told you
Katie-she is gonna be okay and baby too they need be you need be strong for her I know gonna hard but got this come she needs now more anything.
I start sob while kat is hugging me
Alex-she Neely gave up that had crash cart in the ambulance how can I stay strong when she nearly died on me I can't survive with her I need her she's my everything
2 hours later
Nurse Amy-hello is this family miss Lilly Rhys
Alex- yes we are how is she are they both okay please telling what happening
Nurse Amy-sir dr Mills still has her in surgery miss Lilly's baby in fine but
Alex-but?? She gotta okay right please I beg her
Nurse Amy-Lilly head a lot Truman to the ribs her one rib is broken which there are fix as we speak
She also has blockage which was causing the bleed but we sort this out she will fine and the baby's too
Alex-oh my god thank you so much when can I see her shit wait did you baby's in more than 1??
Nurse Amy- yes sir she has twins and dr Mills we bring Lilly to her once surgery is done if anything else I will come update you again
Alex-thank you please make sure they all stay alive
Katie-well they all gonna be alright al now we need you stay calm
Alex- I can't stay look what Trisha done her daughter I nearly lost her and my littles beans too I'm kill her I wanna fine her and kill her
Liam-bruv I now hard but you need stay her with Lills she's gonna need you and Trisha she's gone police have her they won't letting her ago anytime soon.
Alex-why could she stay in my bedroom and why could Trisha leave her alone.
Dr Mills and few nurse enter push the bed which Lilly is lying all sudden I hear
Lilly-hello stranger she says as she winks at me
Alex-omg Lills I run up to her please never do this to me again I love you and give kiss on forehead
Lilly-I'm sorry babe for worrying you I hear our baby is fine too we are so lucky
I start coughing
Alex-erm baby's I say
Alex-we gonna be having twins!!!
Lilly-are you fucking shitting me this best day
Well not beat but this beat news and both of them are fine
Dr Mills both baby's are fine we do need keep the your ribs to make sure they heal okay
Alex-don't except me leaving cause I'm not leaving this women side
Dr Mills that's fine Alex we understand that I better go check in other patient I will stop by later to check in
Alex-thank you so much for every dr
Lilly-thank you dr Mills
As he heads out I sit by Lilly don't you dare do this to me again you nearly died in the ambulance I couldn't do nothing please baby don't leave me
Lilly-babe I never will leave forever and always babe remember
Alex-thank baby
Lilly-doesn't mean happy with you at same time you lock me in bedroom she I wouldn't kill that women she nearly hit you nobody lans there hands on my man
Alex-baby you need relised you baby's now you can't stress look what happened now you need take care of yourself and baby's and I will trying take care of you all but need stay calm and don't stress as I can't loose you I don't make me loose you please I start crying
Lilly-on babe I'm so sorry I didn't mean stress just I seen red when she called me names and when slap you I couldn't let them I couldn't stop I'm sorry I want do it anymore anyway what happen to her
Alex-all I know is police have her Liam know more shit were kat&liam they right here
I phone Liam
Alex-were are you bruv
Liam-we shop we thought we leave you too alone for abit we be back in abit
1 hour later Katie comes running in
Kat-Lilly Lilly are you okay
Alex-what fuck is this
Liam-is ballon and flower and chocolates kat chose them
Katie- Lills these are for you
Lilly-oh my god thank you so much nobody ever got me ballon
Alex-but you-have  flower from me before
Lilly-love them all thank so much both of you she grab her glass of water
All sudden Lilly screams ouch it hurt make it stop she's crying in pain
Alex-Lills what the matter she drop her glass on floor smash I see blood her bed
Shit I press red buzzza  nurse coming running in
Alex-what happening is she okay
Lilly-Alex I love please don't leave Me she screams
Nurse-I'm sorry sir you can't come we need take her back surgery see where bleeding coming from dr Mills will be there
Alex-Lilly I love you hold on baby they sort you I'll be here waiting
As she goes into the surgery I scream slide now by wall
Alex-why does this keep  happing to us I'm not loosing her she my Rock I need her
Liam cuddling kat she crying her eyes out
Liam-listing to me both of you she's gonna be okay she strong now you need strong for her we don't know what happen let just wait and see then we all deal with this together
4 fucking hours later
I'm loosing my mind no nurse or doctor has been to see me is that's good news or bad news I need she her and my baby com one we going be a family please don't ripped us apart I beg
Dr Mills-Alex please can seat for us let me talk
Alex-is she okay are my baby okay
Dr Mills when we got theatre she end up seizing  for times we got them to stop she was bleeding more heavy we found out it was coming from baby
Alex-please say Lilly and my baby's are okay tell now !!!!
Katie come over holds me
Dr Mills-Lilly end up having heart attack
Alex heart attack she 21 how can she
Dr Mills she been so stressed and being pregnant has effect her really badly plus her pta she's has lot going so he could be anything but she's okay now she in recovery at the moment
Alex-thank you for helping her and how are my baby's
Dr Mills I'm so sorry say one baby didn't make it Lilly lost her about 2 hours ago she does no as she can't come around yet
I scream I go walk around room but floor grounding screaming
Noo!! My little mean my daughter is dead
I can't breathe Katie runs over to me grab my hand and put brown bag in them put to my mouth
Katie-Alex breath in and out in and out she says
I do that I feel abit better but I go this pain which will never go go
Alex-my daughter dead how can tell Lilly our daughter is dead she gonna be crushed
Katie-I will be there for you both I know your hurting as well she will be but she needs to know al
I start crying end up fall asleep in kat shoulder
Katie&liam whisper as I'm sleep
Liam-how is going tell her
Katie-his gotta be I'll be there for them both I need be there for my best friend she gonna need me more than ever specially she gonna need Alex need be strong
Liam-I can see how crushed he is his gonna break I'm dreading when that happens.
As start wake up hear Lilly voice as bed comes back with her smiling

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