Chapter 23 Alex

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She's got fucking kidding me going to be model I'm not happy one abit about this.It's that don't trust her it's people looking at her while dresses up or dresses down depending what they want her to wear.Can't believe my mum would this she gonna have ear full of me.All I'm seeing red I end punching fucking wall I'm so angry ,FUCK I shout I think I broke my hand I end throwing the lamp around the room and it smashes. I lie on bed trying calm down I pull out my phone
Ring ring ring come answer I say
Hey baby my mums answers
Alex-DONT HEY ME I shout
Sarah- what's happened are you okay
Alex well you tell me what you have done mum
Sarah- I don't know what your on about are you drunk she says
Alex I'm not fucking drunk it's 7 in the morning here mum Why did you give Lilly number out
Sarah-AH that's what this about yes I new she would be perfect for this chance I hope she's gets it
Alex-why would you do it mum I shout again
Sarah-Alex calm down Isn't Lilly happy about this I'm sorry if she isn't but don't have to the interview she can say no
Alex-she's okay with it she's got interview around 12 she was mad at first cuz thought I set her up she thought I was trying get her out the bar interview
Sarah-STOP she shout just stop she's 21 year old your girlfriend she is not cheating on you in just job it might help creat a name for herself it's a stepping stone in her career stop trying to control her son trust her
Alex I do fucking trust her mum I don't trust blokes around her
Sarah-what blokes all they will do is take pictures of her and put in magazine you need chill baby think before speak she love you but your going runin your relationship if you change
Alex-mum I don't want to loose her what do I do I say crying
Sarah-say sorry and mean it and support her and trust her like she does with you
Alex-thank you mum I'm sorry
Sarah it's okay baby now go calm down before you say sorry I'll phone you later love you
Alex love you too
As I come off the phone to my mother I feel really bad yelling at her but mad me realised I need be a big support for lils I need to man up.
Shit WTF have I done Lills lamp she gonna kill me I better clean it up
I tidy the bedroom pick the broken lamp up take to trash outside as walk back in I seen Lilly keys are gonna were fuck has she gone ....
Katie-What is your problem she shouts at me
Alex-Kat don't start I'm not in the mood
Katie-she only had interview you had words then she smash up the bedroom she heard it all and left
Well done Alex!!!
Alex-See this why I didn't want live with anyone else
You get involved when it's no of your business I say
Katie-she's my best friend your hurting her my your mood your trashing everything she don't think you trust her how can she be happy with how your treating her.
Alex-I fucking love her I fucking trust her
Kate-well show her that because acting like a control boyfriend I mean it al she will leave you if keep on going you know she will
Alex-I know I know
I walk out to go have shower clean my mind clean my fuck up hand
After 1 hour in the shower I decide to go lie on bed once I was dryed and put clean boxers and shorts on
I walk into bedroom she lying in bed facing the wall
Lills I'm sorry I say
She don't say a word SHIT what have I done
Lills look at me I say
She's doesn't move I lie on the bed next to her I turn down the music that she has playing
Shut she's crying I put my arm around her
Alex-Lills I'm so sorry baby please forgive me I do trust you I shouldn't trashed this room or punched the wall
She ignore me but wipes her tears away
Alex-Lilly please I love you I promise
Lilly sits up and shouts don't you don't you dare promise me something you won't keep to she shouts
Alex-I mean it Lills I promise I love you I don't mean to trash the place and upset and I do trust you
Lilly-DO you really trust me because you don't act like it
Alex-I'm sorry baby I don't mean for it be like I don't trust you
Lilly-I heard you phone to you mum shouting and screaming at her for how she could of gotten be interview for bloke just look at me Liston to me I would never cheat on you I've know you my whole life I love you I finally got you back and now you think I would cheat on you
Alex Noo noo baby I was mad at first with my mum but she made me relise why it's such good ideas how much we both love each other we do trust each I need control my temper to I'm so sorry baby please forgive me please don't leave me I'm crying in my hands
She climbs on my lap I'm move my hands and wipes tears away say babe who said I was leaving you I mad with how talk to your mum about me then trash and shall I say broke my lamp but I love you I could never leave you you need relise how much I trust you and I need you trust me too she says
Alex-I do trust you baby I just need try think before I act I'm sorry
Lilly- okay babe enough of that I love you and I love your sorry she wipes away my tears and it's 9 now so shall we lie back cuddle in-till I got get ready sh says
Alex i love you baby
I start giving her kiss my back she climbs off me put head in my chest cuddles into me I grab my phone sets My alarm 10.30 we both fall asleep
I woke up to my alarm going off Lills still got her head snuggled into me I don't want wake her up but she will go mad if I don't
Lills Lills I say
Alex-come baby you gotta start getting ready
Lilly-what time is it
Alex-10.30 baby
Lilly thank you for waking me up need get dress then walk over in the new Road Town she's says
Alex walk?? I'll drive you I say
Lilly okay thanks baby I'm so nervous
Alex your be amazing
It's now nearly 12 Lilly ready she looks so sexy in her black mini skirt tights and a white blouse and high knee boots
Lilly come let's go before I'm late she says
Alex-okay are we locking up or is Kat&liam here
Lilly-they left for class about half hour go
Lilly-pass me your keys I wanna drive
Alex-laughing no
Lilly-no I want drive come on baby she put her hand right by my cock then grab my keys out of my pocket
Alex-shit that's not fair now look what you done
Lilly end up laughing
Why now I say fucking bonner just my lucky when we have some where to be
We get in my car it's feels weird been passenger
She puts in the cd I made her ,sorts seat out a lot more forward so she can reach
Then start car we head off
She looks so sexy driveing my car
She starts to sing along to songs wow her voice in amazing I'd be happy if I'd hear that rest my life
Still can't believe she
Been back in my life 4 months it's seems like she never left.
Buz buz buz
Lilly-babe can see who that is please
Alex-you got text off someone called lee?
Lilly- oh okay what's it say
Alex-hey babe I'm coming to New York for
Week wanna catch up xxx
Lilly-I'll text him later
I can't start arrugument with her atm she got interview but jo hell is lee was hasn't she told
Me about him has she been cheating on him with
Me or the other way around why is he calling her babe.I turn to face window before I start yelling I need get out of this car I need clear my head.
Lilly-we here
Alex-okay talk after
Lilly-I'll text you so you can pick me love you
Alex-yeah okay see you later....
She gets out car and walks in the building why didn't I tell her I love now she gonna think something is up.why is someone else trying  get between us.I drive off to park up my beach thank god we not to
Far away from the beach I decide get out go for walk to clear my head before I do something I regret

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