Chapter 34 lilly

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As I'm sitting in bed the nurse push me back into my room they there to miss Lilly
Lilly-thank you
I feel okay I don't what happens haven't long woke up dr was wrong patients so I don't know what happens All sudden see Alex he sitting floor wiping his eye
Lilly-Alex what the babe if it's me I'm right her not going anywhere I'm soy if I scared you
He jumps up rushes over to me put arms around me Alex-I love you so much don't leave me again
Lilly-there something your not tell me I can tell what's going I see it on all there faces
Alex-I'll tel baby I know heard but need stay calm please
Lilly-I'll try to
Kate-Alex do want me stay
Alex-no I need this on my own
Lilly-what's going what happened
Katie-I love you Lills I'm right outside
Alex holds my hands and tell me everything that happened to me and that my daughter has died she didn't make it
I want scream and shout all I can do cry I turn over away from Alex I crying holding my belly
Alex-please talk to me baby
I can't even speak to him i can't speak to anyone why is my life so fucked up I can't hope anymore why tell give me twins then take one away you took my baby's sis away you took my popcorn it's my fucking baby you have filled killed her I don't even know who aiming at well so my so called mother this is all her fault she's ruined me.
Alex-Lills please talk to me I need her you voice
I stay silent I can't bare to open my mouth I'm in so much pain
Alex walks out room and Katie comes in
Katie-Lills I'm here for you please look at me it's just me talk to me my little mushroom
I can't even talk to Katie I can hear her start to cry but can move I can talk I think I'm broken
Then Liam comes holds Katie and says give her time baby she just lost her daughter
Liam-Lilly bear please I just need know your alright you don't need speak juat look at me squeeze my hand he says
I turn over I see Liam Katie and then Alex in corner of my eye Liam go grab my hand but push it away
Katie-Lilly please we need you to be okay
Alex walk up me he bends down hug me i hug him I don't want let go
Alex-baby I love you we will go through this together your not alone
Serval hours later I still haven't spoken at word Katie&liam have gone home Alex popped home earlier to get my things
But now his sitting in chair with hand holding mine keep telling me he loves me I do love but look at me I have worse look ever I don't want drag into this mess but I promise him no running so we need go through this together once I feel better but never think I will be I lost my daughter how can anyone cope with that.
Knock knock
Nurse Amy-hello I have lee young here see miss Lilly
Alex-I have not met him but he could try get her to speak it's her best friend from Telford so let him in.
What hell is here doesn't he know what he has done he knew about my mother I even told what happened wen turn up the other week but he gave my fucking address over he has cause this I feel like I'm going snap any point now
Lee-hey Lills
Alex-hi you must be leee she told abit about you
Lee-she's told a lot about you glad I can finally meet which wasn't like this tho I really hope she's okay
I just stair at him my mouth won't move he make feel sick tho
Alex-she okay just not talking to anyone at moment
Lee-could ask favour please could I have few minutes with her see if I can get her to talk
Alex-erm sure please in few mins
Alex comes over to give me kiss I hold his hand so can't move
Alex-Lills come lee wants talk you
I shake head
Alex-I'm sorry lee don't want leave me but can always speak to her I'm here
Lee okay Lilly listen to me I'm your best friend I need speak we all need you speak talk us
All sudden I feel getting said and angry as calls me his best friend
Lilly-shut fuck get out I don't want know you
Alex-she doesn't mean that
Lilly-yes I fucking do this is all his fault he gave Trisha my address
Alex-but he didn't know her love
Lilly-yesss he did I told him everything lee get duck out I don't want know you
Lee I know your upset but I'm best friend come on give us break
Alex- you told him ???lee get out now before I do something to you
Lilly-You not my best friend I have 3 bestfrienda not one of them is you Katie Liam and Alex now get fuck out this fuck off back to Telford or where ever you came from
Lee- stop being a bitch Listen to me your just leave him again talk to me you love me You don't love Alex you love me I'm not gay I've only ever told you I'm gay to be close to your my best friend now talk me properly
Alex she don't l....
Katie runs over
Katie -who are you talking to too how dare you speak to my best friend my sister like this who duck do think you are coming in like when don't want here get fuck before I make you
Lee-what gonna do make he start to laugh
I go stand up so could slap him but Alex stop me and whisper baby don't stress I'll sort this
Alex -don't you dare talk the girl this have some respect
Lee I can speak little slag he point Katie and whoore who sleep with any one did she tell how blokes she slept with before seen you again your might of catch something she's fucking whoore ...
Before here even finishes what he saying Alex grabs him by his ear drags out room
Lilly-sis can check he don't get in trouble please
Katie-anything for you sis
After 20 mins Liam walks in
Liam-Hey you okay where Alex and Kat
I tell him everything that just happened
Liam-Lilly bear don't worry I'll find them
Another 20 mins they all walk in
Alex walk in with cuts on eyes and marks on face and Lilly has got scratch on her face and looks her arm is broken she in sling at listen she's been too
What fuck happens to you too I groan
Alex-well I took out side told to Stay away Then kat comes out check on us imwanwalking back in he runs up grab Kat throws her on floor and lands on her elbow she creaming but she still runs up to him punch him with other hand
Katie-it was left hand but still perfect shot she laughs
Alex-anyway he scratch her I go up start punching him I no don't want me right but he started it he attract Kat for no reason and he threw a lot more bunches than me the police turn up see him punching us and how Kat is they arrest him told us go seen so that's we're been
Lilly-next time call or come tell me what's going on but thank you both please no fights today I glare at them both and thank you for getting lee out
All sudden I shoot up i go to fall but Alex helps me
Alex-where you going baby
I can't speak I'm going to be sick so I'm point instead he help to the bathroom I push him out
He tell Katie and Liam to wait outside they said gonna head home so We will see them tomorrow now
Alex- baby are you okay
Lilly- i feel like shit sickness I wasn't being sick in-front of them so need use toilet
Alex picks
Me carry me back to bed he grabs my tooth brush and bowl with water so I can brush my teeth
Lilly thank you babe
Alex don't thank me I'm so glad we talking
Lilly it not that I didn't want to talk I'm physical couldn't babe but lee his pissed me so much I couldn't hold back I tried so much
Alex-no baby it's okay I understand
Lilly-I'm sorry too I love you I know we lost our daughter but together will be ok she looking down and she will always be our hearts and now we gotta look after this pop corn I run my belly
Alex I love you and popcorn don't you mean bean little bean
Lilly no it's a popcorn at this stage ......,

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