Chapter 43 Lilly

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I wake up go put my arm around Alex but his not there it's empty I wake up go into kitchen make myself a coffee I turn around to living where Alex and Lacey were fast asleep.They look so cute it's adorable.oh shit did she another nightmare why didn't I here her I'm worse sister ever.Go out back yard sit on the step while drinking my coffee.
Just don't get how strong Lacey is she 10 years old all things she's been through I'm so proud of here I feel so guilty for not beening there for her if now now I was there when She needed me I chose to sleep I've gotta be worse sister ever how selfish am I.
Alex-baby what are doing out here with just my top it's cold your freezing
Lilly-just needed to be alone for abit
Alex sit beside me put blanket of my shoulders
Alex-talk me don't hold it in
Lilly-I just feel like that worse sister ever to her she need me I didn't even hear her then I feel so guilty for not protecting her from my mother I know I didn't know her intill few days ago but I can't help it.
I put my head on Alex's shoulders my eyes are filled up
Alex-baby listen I just about hear kat was with her she was gonna come wake you but told her to let sleep.I was here for her she was okay she had drink then fell asleep next to me and you need you rest baby I didn't want to wake you and what did I say it's not your fault if you known you had siblings you would of been with them sooner and protected them this isn't your fault.
Lilly-I know what she been through if you remember  not to long again but difference is she still child I need be here for her this should of never happened
Alex-I know Lills it broke me to see what happened to you but I will never let anyone hurt you or kids I mean it I love you so much just remember that.
Lilly-I love you too
Alex takes my cup and heads inside while sit there thinking I need call my dad I pull out my phone dial my dads number.
Chase-Lilly what wrong you okay
Lilly-erm yes dad sorry it's early
Chase-Lilly I've always got time for you talk please tell what's up I can hear in your voice
Lilly-Dad I need you visit I need tell you something but can't be done over phone and I can't fly yet doctors order dad it important please
Chase-I book next flight out of here sweetie I'll spend few days with you I've missed you so much I get see Alex again he better be looking after you with everything you been through lately
Lilly-how did find out what's been going dad I didn't want to worry you with my promblems
Chase-Lilly you are my daughter I'm always going to worry about you Alex phone me saying worried he was and what your mother did to you I really can't what she did you I was gonna book next flight out but Alex said you need time he was keep me in loop I'm so grateful you have him  I love you so much Lilly -thank you dad I can't wait to see you when your at air port text me I'll come pick you up
Chase-okay doll see you soon
1 hour later I'm still sitting outside in cold and get text from my dad he on way to airport so he be here later I really have missed him but I really don't know how I'm gonna tell home
All sudden jake come out sit next to me
Jake-morning sis are you are okay
Lilly-of course I am just needed some fresh air have
Alex-shouts for jake and done there breakfast
Jake-by sis see you in abit
Alex comes out I've done you some breakfast baby and here another coffee
Lilly-thanks for coffee babe but I'm not hungry
Alex-you need to eat
Lilly-No I do want anything to eat I snap at him
Alex-Lilly come on your pregnant just eat
Lilly-leave me alone Alex I want me alone
Katie come waking out
Katie-Alex I've got this
Lilly -all of you leave me alone
Katie-like hell that is happening
Lilly-Kat you don't understand I want to be alone
Katie-no now talk
I start to cry as try walk away down the garden but Kat grabs my am pull me to her her
Katie-Lills no matter what I'm here for you now tell me what's going on
Lilly-I've spoke to my dad this morning he coming here so I can talk to him about my siblings but how can tell him everything that's happened to them hat my mother has done.He already worried about me because someone over there had tell him
I glare at Alex
Alex-Lills he need to know what was going on you nearly died on me I need to telll him your his daughter.
Lilly-I know I know just leave alone for abit need be alone
Katie-I'm going inside it's too cold out here but Lills your strong you can talk to him we all are here for
I walk down garden sit on adult swing Alex follows
Lilly-please Al I need be alone juat for abit
Alex-Lilly how many times have I told you I'm always here you don't have to do anything alone but something else is bothering and your not saying anything
I hold my belly and close my eyes not saying a word
Alex comes up to me hold me
Alex-baby are you in pain do need take you to hospital
Lilly-it's fine it's normal pregnancy I've been told just a-bit of pain I'm okay I'll be fine
Alex-come baby let go inside
Lilly-I said no I'm staying here
Alex-not happening you can snap all want at me
He pick me up walks inside as we pass kitchen
Lilly-Alex put me down now!!!
Alex-no it's too cold out there
Lilly-put Me down now  you ass face
Alex-you can call all names you want but you ent going back out there you end up poorly
Lacey-goofy what ar doing to my sister
Alex-cupcake she's being stubborn
Lilly-I swear Alex put down now
He put me down I run to bedroom locks door so he can't come in
Lacey-what did you so to my sister I like goofy but if hurt my sister your be in big trouble
Alex-calm down I only brought her inside it's too cold plus she on one today so beware
Lacey-I'm not talking to you leave my sister alone  she's not on one!!
Then Lacey walks away
Liam-well looks like you upsetting the girls today apart from Kat he laughs
Jake-girls always stick together
Alex-they do but yours sisters are pains look like we gonna have fun day today with them

1 hour later everything all pack in here well in bedroom
All I see black and I feel dizzy then I get really bad pain
ArG ouch I scream and fall to floor!!!

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