Chapter 57 Alex

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Can't believe it's been 3 years since I Asked Lilly to marry me to this day but still not married everything go In way but I swear I am going marry this women if it last thing I ever do.We now 2 kids one Logan who is nearly 3 and Bella who is 1 she so beautiful double of Lilly we still have Jake and Lacey Jake been away with his football team in Spain he should be back in 2 weeks time I miss have him around still can't believe they are 14 we have had them here 4 years now it's gone so quick and grown so much.Lills and me have been worried about Lacey her nightmares have come back she forcing her to be sick when eats and food she not putting on weight she's skipping school locks away in in her room she won't talk Anyone her dad has tried but she don't say word it's like she's not in room with us.Kat&liam have there baby girl shes 2 nearly 3 I think they named her Bonnie.Kat keep wanting sort the weeding for ma me Lills but Lilly wants but she don't atm she worried about Lacey and just wants everything to okay before she starts planning her perfect day we I can understand but I'm worried that she's too stressed she making her self Ill I do t want to do she puts fake smile on but I can hear her crying everyone she goes bathroom and silent crying when we are in bed she's not okay but she won't talk to me Ali ever here I'm fine I'm just worried about Lacey but something else is up with her I know it is.
Lilly-Lacey are you okay Lilly knock on her door no answer lace I will open the door just speak to me please hunny but still no answer
Grabs a pins out of her hair and picks at the lock all sudden
Lilly-ARRRRRRRE Alex help!!
All hear Lilly help screaming to help I run expect her to hurt self some how but I was not expecting this I walk in laces bathroom with Lilly hold her  screaming for her to wake up it looks like she's use razor blade to cut her self there blood everywhere and tablets all over floor she's overdose
Alex-FUCK!! Lacey open you eye for me now stay with me Lilly go kat to pick his up
Lilly-NO! Phone ambulance
I grab Lilly face and  say Lills trust me she will be fine I really what I say in true if this does work I will the hospital she still has alias which is good thing.
I sit her up with Lilly hold her up I shove my fingers down her throat all the pills come up and she starts coughing and opens her eyes
Alex-oh Lace thank god
Lilly-Lacey please don't do this again I can't loose you
Lacey-I'm sorry Lills and Alex I just can't do this anymore
Alex-Lacey look me tell me what's going on
Lacey-I thought I got over it you both help me I went to therapy I've been fine for few years and now all thoughts are back but I know what brought them back I keep seeing him
Lilly-lace where are always going me here for you we will get through this you are so strong and brave
Alex-seeing who ??
Lacey the person that raped me
Lilly-what where has he hurt you again ?
Lacey-I found out who he you know Noah was sent to prison well his back and Noah has older brother call Ryan well he been picking Noah up from school and well he spotted me and him tell me his going kill me or you Lills
Alex-he fucking what he shouldn't even be speaking you he need locking up
Lacey-but that's not all
Lilly-what else Lacey
Lace lifts her top up her belly bruised all to around to her back
Lacey-he beats me ever time I walk home he calls me names I can't cope anymore I hate myself and hate my body i just don't want be here anymore
I pull her close to me and Lilly we both holding her
Lilly-we will sort this I promise they not going to get away with this
Alex-Lacey we are here we never leaving you we will get through this he Noah she shouldn't even been going up you his not aloud to it against his bail so that's easy to sort then I will sort that man out just promise me never ever harm yourself again
Lacey I'm sorry she says while crying into my arm
After 10 mins calm her down she falls asleep in my arm and Lilly won't leave her alone
Lilly -can you go check on kids please babe
Alex-Lilly you go I'm gonna clean mess up and put Lacey in her bedroom you won't be able to do it
Lilly-Alex I can't help my sister i am not leaving her again
I stand lift Lacey up carry her to bed she so Light I can tell she isn't eating and that's going to change I put her in her bed I take door off
Lilly-what you doing
Alex-well she isn't having a door till she's better we are not risking her life
Lilly-I'm staying with she be fine
Alex-no your not your not well yourself
Lilly-I said I'm fine nothing wrong with me
Pick her up and go downstairs put on chair
Lilly-you can't do this my sister needs me
Alex-she sleep let her be she's fine I've took her door off we will here her now your gonna start talking to me.
Lilly-I can't talk I can't fucking talk don't you get that if I wanted to talk I would of done it already
Alex-something wrong you haven't been your self for months your distance you won't talk to me or anyone we are all worried about you something going
Lilly-stand just leave it !! I don't want talk stop trying to make me
her eyes are filled with tears I knew something was up I just know her but she won't talk to me what am I suppose do
Alex-what am suppose do when love of my life won't talk to me when clearly something is going on your not yourself anymore it not just me everyone can see it you don't go out you don't talk to kat&liam or even Sarah you have done any new songs THis is not you lills
Lilly-maybe cause I don't fucking talk leave me alone!! She run off
I know where she going bottom of garden when she will make fire and stare off I'm going kat she if she have the kids and need phone chase about Lacey while Lilly calms down
I phone Katie it's rings
Katie-hello al is everything okay
Alex-no I'm sorry I need favour
Katie-what happened and yes anything
I explain to Kat about Lacey and then I tell her about Lilly
Katie-omg the poor girl she been through so much at very young age have you told chase
Alex-I'm going phone him I think she need stay with him while I sort Lilly out I know feel bad but I don't what else todo
Katie-he is her dad she needs to be with him while Lilly gets brought his has talk yet
Alex-not a word
Katie-well I'll come grabs kids for tonight and see i have talk before I leave I don't think she talk but I'll have a go
Alex-thank you kat
I end he phone call and call chase
Alex-hello chase it Alex
Chase-hello son is everything okay
Alex-no everything is mess
Chase-Lilly still the same still not talking what about Lacey I need my girls to be okay
Tell chase everything about Lacey and tell him still same with Lilly
Chase-oh my gosh thank you Alex for there for both of them I know Lilly loves you more than anything I can't thank you enough for saving Lacey too she 14 years old and she tried to kill her self  is okay for me to have her for tonight or I can come over
Alex-well worndering if you could have her tonight I would want out of my sight but Lilly I need to get to bottom with what's going and I need someone to have there full attention on Lacey
Chase-of course I understand do you want me to have the Logan and Bella
Alex-thank you kat having them tonight I think hands will be full with Lacey
Chase-that's true promise I won't let anything happen to her illl be over soon
Alex-thank you

1 hour later chase and Kat are hearing I'm filling in on everything Lacey sitting on sofa
Chase-Lacey baby get your baby ready you stay with me tonight
Lacey-no I want stay here
Alex-lace you be back tomorrow your dad wants spend some time with you and I need you to promise me you won't do anything stupid please lace
Lacey-fine I promise
After I spoke lace they head off and Katie goes to speak to Lilly I stays here for now I hope someone will get through to her.

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