Chapter 47 lilly

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As I walking to school office I can't believe what happen to my girl before I even came here I went to police station I fill statement they phone school got cctv send sent over I said she's pressing charges I don't care how young they are.Now I'm here ready to kick off at school
Receptionist-hello may I help you
Lilly-I need speak to principle now please
Receptionist-I'm sorry but need book appointment
Lilly- I'm not booking fucking appointment my sister has been attack on school time she been bullied for god nose how long now I want see the principle
Receptionist-I will get him out you now
10 mins later principle adams Boyd
Adam-miss Rhys sorry keep you waiting can explain to me what happen
So tell him everything about Lacey page and Noah
Adam-I'm sorry about this but nothing I can really do kids get bullied at school it's life I'm afraid
Lilly-what did you just say it's life it's not life you bastard she been hurting on your time your suppose be looking after her well I'm sue this fucking I want my brother now
Adam-please calm down I will bring you brother out to you we sort this so Lacey will come back to school
Lilly-she is not coming back here again
While waiting for Adam to bring my brother out I hear
Hello I'm hear to collect Noah and page there parents
Lilly-are you Noah dad ?
Noah dad-yea pleas call me John
All sudden smack him across face
Lilly-your fucking son could killed my sister you piece if shit
John-please I'm sure he didn't mean it
I slapped him gain all hear someone phone for help
Lilly-he mean to how didn't get mean slap her punch her then throw fucking brick and left her out cold she fucking 10 years of ages you sick bastard
This time I fucking go punch him
But a strong pair arms stop me
Alex- not here baby come on let's get Jake go home
Lilly-I want fucking hurt him his son and hurting my sister
John-please I'm sorry I'll ground him
I laugh ground him what that gonna do then all sudden police walk in fuck sake like I'm gonna be arrest now
Alex-stay calm now I mean it Lills
Jake -Lilly,dorky what you doing here why have I gotta go home
Alex-listen bud we found out what's going with your sister today she's okay now but she was hurt
Lilly-you both not coming back this school again
Lilly-well I spoke to principle about what happens he said that's life it's nothing he can do
Alex-he said whattt?
All sudden the two police officer ask for Noah and page when they come walking out
The policeman said to Noah
Policeman-Noah Lockett I am arresting you on attempting murder and physical assault
Policeman-page Wright I am arresting you on assault
Policeman say to both of them -you don't have say anything but anything you do say will use in court
Noah-this fucking bulk shit we are 12 you can't do this to me get fuck off me I'm kill the bitch
John -Noah you have done this to yourself son you make me sick look what you did to that poor girl you both need be ashamed I don't want anything todo with you
Noah-dad please
John-miss Rhys I am so sorry what happen you have my full support on any charges
They all walk out but the principle stop me and says
Adams-please accept my apology we be happy for Lacey to come back into school tomorrow
Alex-fuck off she ent coming back here we suing your ass
Jake -Asswhole
Lilly-jake don't say stuff like that
Alex-but it true
Lilly-come one let's go see our sister
We i Alex car I just realised I've drove in Alex not walk but how did he get here so fast
Alex-what is it ?
Lilly-how did you get here so fast
Alex-I had phone call from receptionist and I phone Liam get to dropped me off Kats with Lacey and Liam gone to speak to your dad.
Lilly-what busy day it's nearly 2.30
Alex-shit we was supposed to thing at 3 I need call them push it back
Lilly-what have you planned I want to see Lacey then fall asleep
Alex-I booked scan for 5 pm you had day we need to this Lills and I did book us bowling so phone arrange it for after and hey Jake bud fancy going bowling as long as your sisters are okay
Jake-yes dorky that's sounds like fun
Lilly-fine but only if Lacey is okay that's the main thing
We get home Lacey still fast sleep On he sofa she but colour in her checks now
Katie-hey super women I heard you went crazy in the school
Alex-she was going crazy she kept  slapping Noah's dad then she went punch him but I stop her just in time but omg she was on fire with her mouth to him and principle don't get me start on him
Katie-fuck me girl remind me warn anyone every mess with you or any of family
Lilly-oh sod of you we both end up laughing
But in serious note how has she been
She woke up just after Alex left wanting you both I calm down she had sandwich then went back to sleep
Lilly-thank you so much for watching while I was being superwomen as you say Anyway dancing coming out tonight
Jake-we going bowling
Katie -count me in
Lacey -and me I wanna gooo
I rush over to her sit next her hey sis I missed you I've sorted it now so don't worry yourself and more and you won't be going back there
Jake-lace you should of seen our sister go in On Noah's dad and headteacher watching in windups before headteacher came and got me
Lilly-what you seen me shit
Jake-yes but Lilly you were amazing
Lacey-thank you so much
Alex-lace just promise us don't ever hide anything like this talk to us
Lacey-I promise
Alex-right let's all get ready we can head out for baby scan and bowling
Lacey-I'm going to See baby are gonna find out if it's boy or girl
Katie-how about wear the colour you think it will be
Alex-I like that idea

We go get change hour late Katie comes back wearing blue dress and black heals and Liam wears pink
Lilly-pink suit ya Liam
Liam - shut it lilly bear
Alex comes down wearing pink too and wow he does look sexy in pink omg my hormones are going crazy I need now.ffs Lilly not now!
Alex winks at me when he see me staring
Lacey-I'm ready
Alex-no go change now you ent wearing that
Lacey -what is wrong with me wearing this
Lacey is wear bright pink crop top and tiniest mini skirt going
Alex-go change it like you not wearing anything now! Lace!
Lilly-don't look at me I agree change skirt I didn't not buy you that skirt
Lacey -fine!!!
Jake is wearing a blue tank top with blue shorts and white trainers
Lilly-you look handsome little man
Jake-you look beautiful sis
I place kiss on his check
Alex whisper in my ear shall we bet if it girl I'm in controll tonight baby
I gulp 
I wearing blue boobs tube top with skinny comfy logging which are blue too and knee high heeled boots
Lilly-it's going me boy so that never gonna happens so your on babe
Alex goes red I don't honk expect me to say it
Alex-okay baby let see
Liam-Lacey come on I want to go
Lacey-chill man it's not my fault dickface wanted me to change
Alex-see it wasn't that heard leggings much better
Lacey-what ever!!
Lilly-let's go I'm driving
Alex-no I want you to relax baby
Lilly-don't go there I'm driving
Alex rush out sit in drivers seat
Lacey and jake get in Liam car and they meet us at bowling they wave by then head off
Lilly-I'm not going!
Alex-stop being stubborn get in car we gonna be late
Lilly-fine but I'm not talking to you
Alex puts music on but I turn off no I don't want listen to anything
He rubs his hands over as we stop outside the hospital my thigh
Alex-come on baby don't be mad
I stay silent trying not talk to him
All sudden undo his seatbelt moves his chair back start rubbing his hand close to my turn on spot
Alex- see  you want it and you know you want talk to me
I climb on top of his lap
Lilly-will be late
Alex-no baby we are early
I'm so glad all Windows are black out so nobody can see in I start making out with him he pulls my leggings down abit so he can grab arse he pulls he short down slightly.he pull my area and place me on top of him he slide inside me
Lilly-fuck so good babe
Alex-mmm fucking love you
I start bouncing hard but enjoy this moment
Alex -mmm baby
We start slow down as we come together
Alex-that was amazing he says while catching his breath
Lilly-I love you much
Alex-does that mean you gonna talk to Me he winks
Lilly-I'll Let slide this time but driving home after bowling you can have a drink
Alex-no I'm not going drink but you can drive as long as feel Up to it
Lilly-you haven't had drink in months now you can have drink with Liam come on have drink for me I can't so you can please
Alex-fine just for you I'd do anything for you

Alex point of view
We sitting in hospital waiting areas we been 10 been Lilly getting pissed off she needs wee but can't intill she has the scan
Nurse-miss Rhys
Lilly-about time
I laugh impatient I say
We go into room where nurse tell Lilly put gown on and doctor will round in abit
10 mins later I can see Lilly face getting annoyed she needs a wee
Dr Alan-so sorry keep you waiting shall we see how baby getting on
Lilly-yes I need a wee hurry
Dr Alan -baby seem to bee doing really well would like to know the gender
Well congratulations you having a baby boy
Alex-baby we having our own baby boy I start cry Lilly-I thought you want a girl
Alex-no I am happy ether way I just thought it was gonna be a girl
Lilly-I'm so happy with how everything has turn out
Dr-Allen here is your pictures next appointment just before your due have good evening
Lilly-thank you
We walk out off room hold hand in hand Lilly learned her shoulder on mine while both look at little baby
Once Lilly went toilet we sat in car
Alex-what the matter are you okay do we need get a doctor
Lilly-stop just wait
She grabs my hand puts it on her belly our son is kicking like made
Alex-wow hello little one I'm your daddy I can't wait to meet you not long now
I give few kisses on Lilly belly
Lilly-I'm love you both your my everything my always forever
I start the car grab Lilly hand as I drive
Alex-always and forever baby

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