Chapter 61

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6 hours later ....
I wake up but eye won't open yet I feel like I'm not in pain like was before all I see in black am I dead have I lost my family have I lost my man my kids my dad my siblings why can't I see anything.But I can hear voice I have done for a while I think my dad was here   Then I heard Alex On the phone I think he was speaking to Lacey if I'm right.Now all I hear Alex crying talking to me I want shout I'm awake I'm fine but I can't speak can't open my eyes.
Alex-please baby please wake up I need you our kids need you your brother sister need you please don't leave me.It's been 6 hours you suppose wake up 3 hours ago come on it's time wake up now.
He crying lying right next me I open my eyes finally looking around but I can't speak yet.
Alex-Don't you dare leave i me I won't survive without you I need to become my wife we have so many things todo your not leaving me wake up please baby.
he wraps his arms around me but doesn't look up to me yet.I lift my arm up brush my hand through his hair he jumps at my touch looks up at me and wipes his eyes.
Alex-omg baby thank you I love you so much how are you feeling.
Hear how's nothing let's see if I can speak
Lilly-imm okay I'm sore but I'm not in any pain which I think is good thing Alex listen
Alex-I'll get doctor
He goes to move but I stop him I hold his hands he turns around
Lilly-No please Alex come here listen
He nods in agreement
Lilly-babe I was wake for while but I couldn't move or open my eyes or even talk so heard everything.
I love you so much thank you for everything you so for me I'm sorry for what I've put you through I understand if you can't be with me anymore but I love so much and I'll always will
I say this while I'm crying He faces drop he moves he hand grabs my face he kiss me softly then breaks away from kiss wiping my tears away.
Alex-what have I told you over and over again I AM NOT FUCKING LEAVING YOU EVER DO YOU HEAR ME I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!! He shouts
Lilly-I'm sorry I cry
He cuddles me says please baby never thinking I'm leaving you what ever you problems are they mine to and we work it through together I promise you I'm always here soon your become Mrs creeds no pushing it back you will become my wife.
Lilly-I can't wait for you become my husband and I'm sorry we haven't done it any sooner but I want marry......
Lacey storms in cutting me off
Lacey-so you are alive and nobody told me your awake
Her eyes red puffy and tears all down her face looks like she hasn't slept at all
Lilly-Alex could give us moment please babe
Alex-I'm going to go speak to the dr
He give me a kiss then walks out
Lilly-Lacey hunny come and listen I'm here ent I haven't long woke up that why you didn't know When I woke up ..I don't tell Alex I told you this but I woke up to Alex crying in my arms he thought he was losing me
Lacey-I'm glad your okay  I can't loose you but I've been worried about Alex too he hasn't been him self when you was in surgery Liam forced him to go back he snap at everyone walk to the beach sat on the rock when you usually go he cried and cried for hours he didn't move Liam &Katie tried everything but all did was snap at them or ignore them only people he wouldn't snap was me I didn't want leave him alone but they forced me inside to eat after while kat brought Logan out he forced smile Logan wanted you so Alex put your album on everyone danced Alex  faked smile and Dave abit with Logan intill he gave him to Kat then walk away from us sat alone cried so much he tried hide it but I was go be with him but sad wanted to be there for him this time so had him wait inside and watch the kids then not long after he had phone call about you.
Lilly-omg that poor man can't believe what I put through he deserves so much better than me I can't what I've put him through but his been by my side through it all.And Lacey thank you for being there you best sister I could ever have I'm sorry I worried you
Lacey-no your the best I'm sorry what I put you through with my overdose but I promise I'm okay now everything fine dad and Liam have sorted it Alex wanted to but he had enough deal with Liam wouldn't let him.and Alex and you are perfect together you there for him to and his there for your I love you both please don't leave him and he will never leave you I can tell sis
Jake runs through the door and shouts at Lacey
Jake-so you could phone me about our sis having cancer I would got a plane and left earlier I wish I had known
Lacey-Lilly didn't want to worry you I wasn't suppose know but I found out when I had come here with dad
Jake-I'm not done with you ether I know what you did too how could want end you life what about me and your family why couldn't you talk to me and Lilly why didn't you tell me what was going or told someone you knew for months you had cancer you gave up I don't get both of you I love both of you but why could you talk to me I'm suppose be your brother
Jake says all this well he shouts all this I can't help but cry quietly
Lilly-I'm sorry Jake I really am I just felt I didn't want spend months in hospital away from you all I know it may sound silly i didn't realise then I do know I'm sorry I can't believe how selfish I've been to you all but jake who told you I wanted to tell you myself when you was home I did t want to Runin your time in Spain.
Jake-well it's all over media what happened to both you so you tried really hard not tell me but they find before me that's what upset me more I can't believe I had to find from the radio news
Lilly-I didn't want anyone to know I don't even know if they got it all I might still have cancer I do know that I've got stage 3 but Lacey jake I'm sorry I didn't tell you soon as I known but I wanted spend as much time as I could with you I love you both don't ever forgot that
Lacey-I'm sorry for everything I wish I spoke to you jake Alex or dad or kat and Liam about what's going on I'm sorry for acting out all theses months his is my fault I cause you pain
The both sat on my bad cuddles into me and Jake eye
Jake-I love you both I'm sorry for going at you like this but can't loose nethire of you with all been through so much and we get through this together the Rhys siblings with fight this all together I promise you
We cuddled and fell asleep after while I know there are 14 but there always be my angels
Alex-what did I miss when Jake get here he whispers
Lilly-well he found out by media about me having cancer and Lace over dose so he came telling both off he shouted cried and now Rhys siblings are all okay I should of told you all from the begins I'm sorry al I'm sorry for everything
Alex-shh baby it's okay I understand you were scared but now on we talk ton each other about everything no more secrets and how the hell did the media find out when close people only new unless doctors or someone heard what happened.
Lilly-don't worry about it they were bound to find out one way or another not happy they brought Lacey into it I've only ever tried protect her well all of you from media but I shouldn't become a pop start
Alex-no this isn't your fault don't you go blame yourself now dr Mills wants come speak to you and Katie come to get Lacey well now Lacey and jake as your dad has been called into work.

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