Chapter 32 lilly

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All I can hear shouting I was sleep
I'm tired then all sudden I hear that women voice my fucked so be called mother
What fucking is she doing here I walk out of bedroom I hear Alex and kat trying get her out Liam on phone to police
Trisha-looks who got out her pit come on get ready we leaving
Lilly-excuse me?
Trisha-come on whore let's go we have people to
Lilly-get fuck out your not suppose be here leave me alone
Alex-Lills look at me just need calm down please baby
Kat starts look at Alex weird when he says that
Lilly-calm how can I be fucking when she's here calling my name I start scream get her out now!!!!
Alex-you heard her get out now
Trisha-she need come with me now she has been sold I needed the money she isn't anything to me I don't care if they kill her rapper her....
Alex-you fucking serious how dare speak to about her like that who gives you right to come talk like his then saying you have sold her she ent for sale now fuck off dirty scum bitch!!!!
All I sudden I see red I see she about slap Alex
I launch forward grab her hand push her to floor I punch her
Trisha-get fuck off me you can't touch me I'm you mother
Lilly-don't dare speak to me or touch my boyfriend your not my mother my mother is DEAD I shout
Trisha slap across he face kick me in rib Alex grab me get Katie to take me to bedroom
Lilly-nooo let me go I wanna fucking kill the bitch I've had enough no more nice Lilly let me have you dirty tramp I shout
Alex-Lilly Rhys calm fuck down now!! You need calm baby think about it your hurt as it now calm down please he says
Trisha-you dead once get my hands on you she yells
She about run up to me Alex stops her and Liam come off phone to help Alex to hold her until police arrive
Lilly-I Can't stay calm she's in my fucking house how fuck did she fine where we are again this can't fucking happeningi need to fucking
All sudden I go run but Kat stop me
Lilly-Kat get fuck off me now I don't want hurt you
Alex-Kat get her in bedroom now!!
Katie-Lilly come stop let go in bedroom or out in garden
I push past Katie going get my fucked up mother
Liam-Alex get Lilly sorted I got this bruv
Alex nodes to Liam
Alex pick me up I'm screaming at my mother
Lilly-Alex get fuck off me
Trisha-your fucking slag you can't do anything to me you little tramp
Alex-shut fuck Trisha otherwise I'll let her have you then you will wish you was dead
Lilly-I will fuck this bitch
Alex takes me into bedroom
Alex-Lills just relax stop kicking I'll put you done just relax he places me on the bed and walk out of the door
Lilly-Alex don't you dare fucking lock me in here
Alex-Kat grab on door don't let her out all sudden he grabs a chair puts it under handle so I can't get out
I start banging door let fucking out now!!!! I'm screaming and crying
I see a lamp on nightstand only brought few weeks ago to replace what Alex broke then I smash it
Then I end up cutting my self I scream in pain not because of my cut I start to bleed and my stomach hurt oh no I think I'm loosing the baby now I am going kill her
Lilly-Alex Alex I'm being serious I need you quick
Katie opens the door as Alex is talking the police officer
Lilly-Kat help me
all sudden i see black and I pass out Kat grabs before I end up floor
Katie-SHIT!!! Alex call I fucking ambulance now she bleeding out
Police offer-I'll cal it in
Alex-thank you officer
Kat-Alex why is she bleeding this much there puddles of blood leading from bedroom out here
Alex-Alex runs over grabs me from kat he screams someone do something I can't her loose them please help her!

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