Chapter Twenty-Five 'You Got Nothing I Want, You Got Nothing I Need.'

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I stared in disgust as the tears built up in my eyes yet again. Grinding my teeth in anger, I raised my hand and quickly slapped it across his cheek. His face became emotionless and hard yet his eyes seemed to become glossy and red from the tears that looked to be on the way. Stepping back from me, he rested his hand against the now, pink hand print casted against his cheek. A tear pricked from his eye, slowly ran down, pass his nose ring.

"How dare you hurt your best friend, how dare you even criticise me, you're just a hypocrite. At least I didn't go behind your fucking back and cheated on you, just as you did with me. And with your ex? That makes it worse." I hiss, staring daggers through my tears at Slash.

"You're my fucking girl and you're kissing my fucking best friend! You'd act the same way!" Slash cusses back, pointing at Izzy who was sat on the bed, his hand over his swollen eye.

"I'm not your girl, you broke my heart. We are nothing, not even as much as in a fake relationship." I growl.

"Oh come on, you fucking love me." Slash rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw close. Spotting Slash's bag to one side, which had all of his belongings in, I quickly picked it up and shoved it against him.

"Get out." I sternly command.

"No fucking way." Slash challenged.

"Get the fuck out of my house Slash, you aren't welcome here!" I shoved him out of the room. Slash immediately pushed himself back into my room, making me hiss in pure rage. Losing my patience with him, I left to one side of the bed and pulled out the gun. Holding it steady in my brace, I walked towards him and pointed it at him.

"Get out." I yet again say. Slash slowly backed away, one hand up in surrender whilst the other was clenched onto his bag.

"C'mon Stace, you wouldn't shoot me would you?" Slash tried to calm the situation.

"I wouldn't bet on it you wanker." I snarl, cocking the weapon. Slash visibly gulped, his eyes pleading as he stared at me terrified.

"Get out of my house and stay out, you're no longer welcome here. You've got nothing I want, you've got nothing I need." I slowly follow him up the hallway with the gun in my arms. Slash as quick as a flash leapt out through the front door, running for the hills as my parents would once say.

Slamming the front door shut, I made sure I locked it before I put the gun back into the safety and took an icepack from the freezer, for Izzy.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I-" Izzy starts, guilt and worry running across his long face.

"Izzy don't worry, it's not. I was going to kick him out sooner or later." I place the gun back under the bed before wrapping the icepack into a towel and handing it to Izzy.

Izzy gratefully took the icepack in one hand and gently placed it against his eye, a pained hiss escaping his lips and and frown crosses his face. His eye was sore and tender. I could see that, it was giving him curry.

Taking a seat on the bed, I crossed my legs and watched Izzy intently as he stared down upon his feet. His only eye untouched was staring blankly, emotionless.

"Can I ask, what was that?" I whisper, almost not having the confidence to ask Izzy what exactly we had been doing. I knew what we had been doing, but what had me a bit confused was to whether it was willingly. I mean I liked it, a lot actually. But did it mean anything to Izzy? Or did he just practically get beaten up for no proper reason?

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like you had to kiss me Stace. I didn't mean to make you feel like you were obliged to." Izzy's eyes were filled with fear as he watched me in return.

"You didn't make me do anything. I didn't do anything I didn't want to do." I answer with a small comforting smile.

"Really?" Izzy croaked, a collage of different facial expressions crossed Izzy's face. Varying from bewilderment, pure shock, happiness and finally relief.

"Yeah, I would've done what I did to Slash to you if I didn't want to." I reply, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"So I didn't do wrong?" He innocently asks.

"No." I let out a quiet giggle, finding Izzy's surprise and relief amusing. "You were most utterly and wonderfully fine Izzy. As I said, I wouldn't have let it go the way it went if I didn't like it or want it." I watched Izzy in awe as he seemed to blush immensely and grin like an idiot as he looked away. He looked quite proud and satisfied with my answer.

Taking the time as the silence progressed between us, I got onto my hands and knees and crawled closer to Izzy, stopping directly in front of him and close to his body as he sat there with his legs straight and wide open.

"What are we?" Izzy suddenly pipes up, his eyes meeting my own.

"I don't know." I answer. "And for once I don't care about statuses." I grin, reaching out and cupping his cheek. Izzy leaned into the palm of my hand, rubbing his cheek against me.

"You know what?" Izzy pauses, removing his cheek from the palm of my hand and tenderly brushing his lips against my knuckles.


"I don't care about statuses either. I like whatever it is we are at the moment. And for now I want to keep it this way." He throws the icepack aside and let's go of my hand. Izzy drapes his arm around my waist and quickly shuffles his body closer to me, stopping as our torsos made contact with each other. Izzy then used his opposing, free hand to gently lift my chin so that our lips could meet in for another kiss. I may be moving on quick, I may even love Slash, but everything I was doing felt so incredibly right. Whatever Izzy and I had, it just clicked.

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