Chapter Twenty-Seven 'I'm The One Smuggling The Tigersnake.'

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Heading on home, I stopped at my door, staring down at yet again another bouquet of roses. I didn't know anyone who would be dropping roses off at my door, it wasn't Izzy and I knew that. It was the second bunch of roses I had gotten today.

Pulling out my keys and unlocking the door, I pushed open the door and picked up the flowers. I looked at the small note on the flowers to see my name written on it yet again. I had suspicions that it was in fact Slash sending the flowers, but I couldn't be so sure.

Placing the flowers onto the coffee table, I slumped down onto the lounge, closing my eyes and allowing my head and body to relax. Where in earth was Izzy? He had been very quiet and out of the house, usually he was always lingering around. But he had been no where to be seen. Opening my eyes, I turned my head facing the telephone in the corner, it was barely used. On rare occasions it was, but usually I was cut off to the world. Noticing it flashing red, I furrowed my eyebrows and peeled myself from the lounge, dragging my feet across the room. Pressing the play to the message bank, I waited for it to load, listening carefully to what it was.

The first message had no one speaking at all, all could be heard was the fairly loud background music, which was Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix. The second message was much the same, instead this time Paranoid by Black Sabbath could be heard. Didn't people know to speak when leaving a message? That was the whole point of what leaving a message is for.

Rolling my eyes, I wandered towards the kitchen as the next message began to come through.

'Stacey? Stace, babe?' Slash's voice echoed through the small speaker, stopping me in my tracks.

'I know you're mad, but these last days without you have been driving me bloody insane. Fuck, you probably don't even listen to these messages, Izz probably has you right now in his arms.' He pauses, the obvious sounds of Black Sabbath still echoing.

'Look can you pick up? I need to talk to you, I need to know if you're okay. Is that too much to ask? I need to know if the woman I hold close to my heart is fucking okay.' He breathes deeply.

"Wow deep words Slash, who wrote them for you?" I hiss to myself, but I could feel something deep inside want to redial his number just to hear his voice talking to me. Not a recording. Walking over to the sink, I grabbed a hold of a glass in the sink, turning on the tap and filling the glass. Drinking the water whilst I continued to listen to the multiple messages he left, I turned around and leaned against the bench, holding the empty glass in hand.

'Please baby, I love you.' That was something that triggered my anger. He didn't know what love was, even if it smacked him in the head, he was blind and an arsehole.

"You wouldn't know love if you fell over it, stupid prick!" I curse aloud, feeling the need to throw the glass in my hand across the room. Just watching it smash against the wall across the room, I felt some what better, more relieved. Just a second later, Izzy appears from the front door, two bags filled of groceries in his arms.

He's eyes were wide as he noticed me in the kitchen and spotted to glass shattered on the ground.

"Stace?" He says almost dropping the groceries in surprise. "Sweetheart are you alright?"

Taking my eyes off the wall, I stared at Izzy, my heart pounding in my chest and the tears threatening to fall. I was lost even when I wasn't.

"I'm fine." I answer bluntly. By now the messages had finished playing and Izzy didn't seem to have a clue to why I was so hostile and nonetheless so stressed over something. Izzy stared at me suspiciously, he didn't look like he could shake off what I had said, he didn't believe it one bit.

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