Chapter Thirteen 'Unskinny Bop'

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"Please Axl, no. I wouldn't be able to forget something like this. And I don't want have to hurt your feelings but, I'm no slut." I push him away.

This wasn't right, so I was going to go by my gut instinct.

"But please? And I know you aren't a slut. Doing this doesn't make you one either. So please?" He begs. He looked determined. He really wanted this, I could also see the lust in his eyes by his dilated pupils.

"No Axl, I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Yeah alright. I guess we shouldn't." He disappointingly states pulling away from me. My heart felt like someone had stuck a dagger into it. I was doing something wrong again. I was stuck in the middle of a cliff and a wall. No matter what I do, I can't win. I hurt Axl's feelings, than if I do it, I might feel guilty, than what if Slash found out? What would he do? Doubt he actually liked me, but what if he did? Than I'm fucked over.

Feeling bad I pulled Axl closer to me, bringing him in for a hug.

"I'm sorry Axl, I just don't want this to blow up in our faces later in life. It could really hurt something or someone in the future if they find out about us." I whisper into his chest.

"Yeah, I guess you're right Stace." He holds me tightly against his body.

"I don't know what came over me. One minute I'm walking down the hall and see you, and the next minute I have you on top of a bathroom bench, kissing you." Axl gave me a small smile.

"What are the odds?" I shake my head.

"Is it cause I'm a dick that you don't want me?" Axl says looking at the floor. He didn't want to look me in the eyes.

"You have been a dick, but no. It's not that." I say looking at him. I wanted to get everything off of my chest, it felt like I was carrying a brick around. And it had only just started feeling that way since a few moments ago. When I rejected Axl.

"Than what is it?" He looks from the floor and into my eyes. I nervously look away and towards the wall.

Axl's hand moves to my chin, turning my head back to face him.

"What's on your chest Stace?" Axl looked sincere.

"Is it something about you and Slash?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Axl you wouldn't understand." I try to look away from him, but he wouldn't allow it.

"Oh yeah? Cause I got problems I won't fuckin' understand?" He yells. He looked agitated again. Should have saw that coming, of course he'd get pissed off with me.

"Well I should've expected something like that fuckin' comin'!" He yelled letting go of me and storming off to the corner of the room.

"Axl-" I go to speak but he cuts me off.

"You know that's a load of shit! Just because I was diagnosed with some stupid shit by taking a five hundred question test! And you think there's something wrong with me!"

"Axl just-" I try again, but still he cuts me off.

"That's fuckin' very discriminative! As far as I care if you think that way, well then I have no reason to want to know you." He growls.

"I'm not with Slash!" I yell. Realising what I said, I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth.

"Wait what?" Axl's expression changes dramatically. He no longer looked annoyed, more or less confused.

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