Chapter Six 'Now That The Shoe Was On The Other Foot'

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A week had passed and with all the times I had encountered with the guys, Axl had completely ignored me. I had tried making conversation with him, I had tried to stay nice even when he just wouldn't respond. Now I wasn't going to even acknowledge him. He wouldn't acknowledge me, so I wasn't going to acknowledge him.

But that didn't worry me, I wasn't going to be depressed because someone didn't like being put back into his place. No. I was going to make the most of today, especially when I was to be with the guys. They were growing on me. They were becoming a piece of gum, sticking to the sole of my shoe. They were around me now and if I stopped seeing them every day, it just wouldn't feel right.

I heard a car horn from out the front, quickly snatching my shoulder bag, I pulled on some thongs and made my way out the door. Apparently we were heading to the beach today.

I was lucky I had managed to roll my towel into a small ball and got it into my shoulder bag. Which made things a lot easier of course, but the towel did make my bag a bit bulky. At least I didn't have to properly carry it around.

Stumbling towards the Lincoln Continental, I opened the suicide door to get in. Immediately I spottedSlash through the gap of the front seat, a wide grin across his face.

"Hey baby." Slash purred, as I shut the door behind me and took a seat in the middle of the back seat.

"Hey Slash." I smile looking at Slash. He wasn't driving of course, so Izzy was in the drivers seat. It was his car after all.

"Hey Stacey!" Izzy says excitedly as he turns back to me. He was giving me a wide toothy grin, somehow he looked like he was on top of the world.

"Izzy!" I squeal happily, returning the same tone of voice.

His face suddenly went serious and his eyes widened. But I could faintly see the smirk peaking from the sides of his cheeks. "You haven't got your gun have you?" His question snatches Slash's attention.

"What? You own a gun?" Slash snapped his head around to me. His face hiding in amongst the clump of curls.

"Yeah, a double barrel shotgun. It was a gift." I reply, trying not to smile.

"Well, shit." He breathes turning back around, his voice had gone just the slightest higher as he spoke. Slash obviously didn't expect me to be a gun owner, well who would?

"And no, I don't." I slap Izzy's shoulder. Moving myself further into the backseat, I reached for the seatbelt and buckled it into the slot. Feeling much more safe with the belt around me.

"Time to get our beach on, right?" Slash mutters as we reverse from my driveway and out onto the road.

"Hey Izzy, thanks for picking me up. I know we're in safe hands. Slash isn't driving." I giggle, waiting to get a reaction out of Slash. Well I was allowed to tease him, he almost had us killed recently. It didn't help that he was a bit of a lead foot as well.

"Hey!" Slash complains looking back at me.

"Yeah I heard about Slash's reckless driving. You know he told me it was your fault." Izzy's eyes flicker back into the revision mirror as we start driving off, his eyes watching me closely.

"I did not!" Slash argues.

"He said that you were too beautiful that he simply couldn't keep his eyes on the road." Izzy chuckled, as Slash cursed under his breath looking at Izzy. I would guess that he was glaring at Izzy but I couldn't exactly tell.

"Oh yeah, got you something to." Izzy announced, grabbing a plastic bag and throwing it back at me.

I catch the bag with one hand and untie the knot. There inside the bag sat a cherry red bikini top with a cherry red bikini g-string. Oh god. No!

Ain't It Fun (Guns N' Roses - Slash)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora