Chapter Thirty-Three 'There Ain't No Bear.'

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"You drive me out this far and still you won't let me look? This is unfair Izzy." I complain as he slowly helps me along and keeps his fingers entwined with mine.

"Oh have patience Stace. We are almost there anyways. So don't get your knickers in a knot!" He hushes, as we walk, his presses his lips against my cheek.

"Don't you mean tits in a tangle?" I smirk, tripping over my own feet. I was useless, even I had to admit that.

"No I think bloody useless on your feet is more the answer." He teases, I could hear the smirk in his voice. No doubt he was looking at me with a childish grin, his hair would be blowing around in the breeze and his fringe would be pricking at his eyes.

"Why thank you, that's the best compliment you've given me." I turn my head to the side and face Izzy, even if all I was staring at was the black bandana shielding my eyes.

"You're very welcome baby." He chuckled deeply. "Oh watch your step!" He then frantically says ripping me to one side, one arm had draped around my waist.

"What?! What's wrong? Izzy I can't fucking see anything so how can I watch my step?" I panic.

"Just run! Fucking bear! There's a fucking bear!" Izzy hisses. That frightened me, and of course at the end of Izzy's sentence I was already running, blindly if I may add.

After a moment, Izzy had slowed us down and before I knew it, I had been pushed over onto the ground, onto my back. Izzy's body landed on top of mine before I knew it, the bandana had been removed and I was now staring up into Izzy's pretty blue eyes.

"What are we doing? There is a fucking bear Izzy!" I hiss, fear obviously written over my face. Izzy shook his head and let out a laugh.

"There ain't no bear, I lied." Izzy's laughter had become louder as irritation surged through me.

"Izzy you scared the fucking shit out of me! Don't do that!" I hiss shoving his shoulder as he rested his head in between the crook of my neck.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist." He whispers, his lips making contact with my neck.

"You scared the living day lights out of me!" I whisper as his lips trailed to my jaw and across to my lips. Slowly, moving in a sync.

"I know, I'm sorry." He breathes against my lips in between kisses. Wrapping my arms around Izzy's neck, I closed the gap in between us. His body slowly grinded against mine and his and my legs tangled.

After a few minutes like this, breathlessly kissing, a snap of a twig sounded which caught my attention.

"What was that?" I break apart the kiss, and spoke in a hushed whisper.

"Don't worry, I just kicked something." He mumbles before sucking on my neck again. Feeling somewhat spooked still from the little scare Izzy have me, I tried to glance around to see where it had come from. I knew it sure as hell wasn't Izzy kicking something, this sound was further away. As if planned, Izzy pulled away and sat up on his knees, he then picked me up and cropped me onto his knees, which got me to wrap my legs around his abdomen. His lips met my neck again and I could feel the hardening in Izzy's pants as he kissed me. Taking advantage of the position and now being able to see around me. I looked pass Izzy's boof head to see something I didn't quite expect to see. Gasping, I stared at the big grizzly bear that stood about fifty metres away from us, from that distance he looked big. Which I knew for a fact up close he'd be a monster of a bear. Swallowing, I felt the terror run through my veins again. He was at a fair distance, but I didn't like our chances. Bears were quick when they wanted to be and can also climb trees, not to mention they were carnivores and wouldn't mind us as a snack.

"Izzy?" I stutter.

"What?" He replies, taking away his lips from my neck for a split second to speak.

"A bear, Izzy we gotta go!"

"Aww c'mon babe, couldn't you be more original? That was my line!" He laughs before tightening his grip around my waist.

"I'm not stealing your line, I'm being fucking serious there is a bear!" I rush, my eyes had to be as big as golf balls and my skin would have paled twice as much.

Izzy taking note of the worry in my voice, he stared at me for a moment.

"There's no fucking way a bear could be behind us." He states in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Fine, don't believe me? Look over your shoulder." I glare, my eyes shifting from Izzy back to the bear. It was slowly walking towards us, staring us down. Izzy let out a grunt and looked over his shoulder, his jaw dropped and shaped into an 'o' and when I didn't think Izzy would be the one to panic, he sure as hell did.

"Fuck!" He rips us up from the ground within a second. By this action, the bear stopped in it's paths, staring directly at us.

"What do we do?" I ask, instantly entwining my fingers with Izzy's.

"There's one thing we need to do. Is run. Fucking run now. We can try round back to the car, fuck the surprise." Izzy whispers hoarsely, watching the bear with caution.

Taking one last glance at the bear, Izzy and I began to sprint away, looking back occasionally to see the bear chasing after us. It was catching up, because it was getting closer.

Stopping behind a rock, Izzy and I crouched for a moment. Our breathing was heavy and I felt like crying. We were prey to a bear and they sure could run faster than us, obviously it wasn't trying too hard, it would have caught us by now.

"You jinxed us Izzy." I exclaimed.

"Fuck, c'mon, I can see the car about 300 metres away, if we start running now, we may just get to the car before the monster gets to us." Izzy whispers, peaking around the rock.

Before I could say or do anything, Izzy gripped onto me and began to drag me towards the car. Scanning, our sides, the bear had vanished and was no where to be seen. That frightened me. Taking us a few minutes to sprint to the car, Izzy and I ripped open the car doors and hopped in, shutting them and locking them.

"So much for the surprise you planned, huh?" I breathe out a sigh and sink into the seat.

"The bears probably getting drunk off the wine and having a good ol' time with the food." Izzy states, this caused me to laugh out loud.

"He's having a jolly ol' time. Probably wants to thank you for shouting him his dessert." I tease, my face would have been flustered and sweat was appearing on my forehead.

"At least he's having some fun I s'pose." Izzy chuckled, gripping onto the steering wheel. "Well let's head on home." Izzy pulls the keys from his pocket and starts up the engine, before pulling out from the side of the road.

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