Chapter Five 'You're Gonna Be The Death Of Me'

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It had been a couple of days since Slash and I started our fake relationship. And so far we were still fooling everyone except for Izzy.

"So aren't you going to ask me where we're going?" Slash asked as he rounded the corner in his 1969 Ford Mustang.

"No." I smile looking over at Slash.

"Why not?" Slash looks from the road to me.

"I trust that you aren't taking me out into the middle of nowhere to kill me, so what's there to ask?" I reply pointing towards the windscreen, gesturing Slash to keep his eyes on the road.

"Kill you? No that's the last thing on my mind." Slash says still keeping his eyes off of the road. I looked in the direction to where we were going in. But as soon as my eyes stopped on the semi truck coming towards us at full speed, my heart literally stopped mid beat.

"Uh.. S-Slash?" I yelp pointing towards the road, fear plastered across my face.

Slash snapped his head back towards the road. I had felt myself pushing the floor of the car, trying to find the passenger's brake. But to my dismay, the passenger's seat never came with a brake. I hated being a backseat driver.

Slash and I let out a yell in fright as we swerve around the truck and off of the road. Spinning in circle until we came to a complete halt. Dust filled the air around us.

"This is why I don't get lifts from people." I say letting out an unstable breath. I was sure I was needing to change my undies from this scare, no doubt I would have slightly peed myself.

It took me a moment to release my death-grip I had on my seat and look over at Slash. He was staring forward with his hands clenched around the steering wheel. His knuckles going a pasty white from the pressure he had on the wheel. I think he was just as shocked as I was.

"Slash?" I say barely louder than a whisper.

Slash looked down at the steering wheel and automatically let go. He than turned his head to the right and looked at me. I could see through the curls that he had a terrified expression. But that soon changed and he cracked a cheeky grin. This automatically irritated me just the slightest. It wasn't funny, he had almost got the pair of us killed.

"Are you alright?" Slash questions trying to hold back the laughter.

"Do I look alright you scared the shit out of me! You almost got us killed! And I think I need to change my undies." I yell, Slash flinching at my raised voice.

"You and me both honey. But I ain't wearing any underwear." He says still keeping a small smirk.

I just stared at Slash for a moment, keeping a frown. That was until, I began to giggle, Slash joining me automatically. I was more so giggling out of nervousness, I had no other way to react. I didn't know what to say or do.

"Do you still trust me driving?" He questions after we had both calmed down.

"No not really. But I swear Slash, you are going to be the death of me." I giggle resting my head on his shoulder.

"And you're gonna be the death of me. I can't keep my eyes off you god dammit!" Slash exclaimed, the grin on his lips widening.

"W-well stop looking at me and watch the road!" I reason.

"But I can't." He complains resting his own head on top of mine. His black curls making a shade for my face. I could now see how Slash felt with his curls. And I liked it.

"And why not?" I say hoping I wouldn't get any of his curls in my mouth. That would be embarrassing.

"Cause." He simply answers.

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