Chapter Twenty-Two 'Now I Know Where I Stand At Least.'

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The night filled of musky humid air set across Los Angeles, the rain hopelessly needing to drizzle down upon the partying crowds that surrounded the strip clubs and pubs. The smog of the never ending traffic managed to hang in the still air, clouding the city as early morning fog would. It was amazing due to how alive this city always seemed to be, no matter if it was day or night. There was never a time when the streets would be empty.

Turning my head to one side, I watched as Izzy drove, one hand rested upon the wheel whilst his right elbow laid upon the side of the door, with a cigarette in between his fingers.

"Where is Slash?" I ask curiously, I had only heard Slash this morning but I hadn't seen him whatsoever.

"Dunno, he said he had to go out and I haven't seen him since. He'll be around somewhere, don't worry." Izzy looked away from the road and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Okay." I nod my head understanding, it was truly a fact that Slash would zip from one place to another at anytime of the day. That was probably the reason to why he was nicknamed Slash.

"Is there any particular place you want to go to?" Izzy questions.

"Honestly no, I thought you had it all planned out." I answer.

"I do, I was just giving you the option." Izzy chuckled taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Should I be worried with where we are going?" I smirk, watching Izzy's expressions change.

"Well if you've known me long enough to see where I take you, then yes." The light reflecting from other cars headlights revealing Izzy's cheeky smirk and fascinating eyes.

"Shit, well I'm hoping this isn't a drug deal then." I tease, poking my tongue out.

"You be quiet Stace." Izzy rolled his eyes chuckling.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"Don't you dare act so innocent towards me, I know you know what I'm talking about. You druggo." Izzy retorts, unable to remove the smile from his face.

Before long, Izzy and myself had arrived at a small, but fancy looking restaurant. Leaving the Lincoln and walking towards the restaurant, I was completely and utterly surprised. I had never been to a restaurant before, and honestly I didn't think I ever would. Well Izzy definitely surprised me on that, if anyone looked at us, they could tell we weren't people who regularly went to restaurants. On the top of the roof had a big large sign that was as bright as the sun, honestly it was too bright to read with my own eyes.

"You should really like it here, they have beautiful food. It's an Italian restaurant if you were wondering. And no, I've never taken a girl here before. You're my first." Izzy mutters walking beside me, staring at the window to see the restaurant almost packed entirely.

Before we arrived at the door, I felt Izzy's hand linger nearby mine; occasionally touching mine. It kept reoccurring which made me question myself whether he was purposely doing it.

Izzy quickly grasped onto the flash looking door, opening it for me. As I went to walk pass, Izzy places his hand onto my waist as though he was attempting to lead me in the direction. It was pretty self-explanatory with where we were to go, especially when the reception was right in front of us.

As soon as we arrived at reception it seemed that all of the people in the restaurant were staring at us, something that got me extremely uncomfortable.

"Don't worry if they stare, they're just a bunch of stuck up snobs." Izzy whispers in my ear. His hot breath giving me shivers and goosebumps on my neck.

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