Chapter Eight 'My Manly Nipple! It Ain't A Tit!'

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I felt a grip around my waist tighten and a small grunt sound from behind me. Well that's was a way to be woken up. I didn't even have to turn around to see who was spooning me. I could tell by the black curls resting against my body. The only question was why was he spooning me in my bed? Why was he sleeping with me?

Shaking away the thoughts, I glanced over at the digital clock that had bright green numbers on. It was five to ten. Relaxing, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. But that changed automatically when I realized I had work in five minutes time.

"Holy cow!" I yelp, ripping away from Slash's hold and falling off onto the ground.

"W-what's going on?" Slash mutters.

I groan, rising to my feet to see that Slash was sitting up rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"I've got work!" I say rushing towards my cupboard and grabbing out a black tank top and a pair of black short shorts.

"Okay." Slash mutters slowly falling back down on the bed, falling asleep.

I sigh and strip from my floral dress, changing into my black clothes. I was frustrated that I couldn't even shower. My eyes were tired and blurry, but I ignored that and continued getting ready. When I was ready, I sprinted out my front door and ran into the direction of my workplace. If I was lucky I would arrive only ten minutes late.

As soon as I made it to my workplace I busted through the front door, startling Charlotte and my boss Bon.

"I-I'm s-sorry I'm-" I cut off breathing heavily.

"Late, sorry." I say still puffing, I could feel the sweat trailing down my spine.

"Geez Stace you look like shit! Are you okay? You look sickly." Bon walks over to me, looking concerned.

"I'm just tired and I woke up late." I reply. Bon was right, I even felt a bit sick. I wanted to vomit.

"Stacey, you look like you're about to be sick." Charlotte comments, even Charlotte herself looked paler than usual.

"You don't look to flash yourself Charlotte. But I'm fine, just tired that's all." And that I've got my period, my stomach is aching like somebody is continuously stabbing me with a knife in my ovaries. So you tell me how I feel.

"Okay, well if you feel any worse just come in and tell me. I'll just be in my office, okay?" Bon asks.

"And that goes for you too Charlotte." Bon points towards Charlotte as he walks away, heading back into his hidey hole. The office.

I walk over to the cupboard wiping my forehead of sweat. I grabbed out my overalls and put them on there and then. I grabbed my red bandana that I had left in here underneath everything, wrapped it around my head and walked out the front door into the garage, where Dean and Sam were mucking around with the fuel tank underneath the car.

"Hey boys." I moan over the loud tunes of Money For Nothing by the Dire Straits.

"Hey Stacey." They roll out from underneath the car and look up at me.

"Wow are you alright?" Dean questions quickly jumping to his feet.

"Yeah just a little tired." I reply slowly shaking my head.

"Well if you need to throw up, make sure you do in his direction." Dean points to Sam.

"Hey! No way man! You can't mess up this angel face." Sam warns.

"Alright if I spew, I will spew upwards so it will come down onto the both of you." I giggle. As much as laughing made me feel a little better, it also didn't help to the point that my stirred up stomach still reminded me that I wanted to vomit.

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