Chapter Eleven 'Simply Irresistible!'

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"So are we going to talk about this?!" Slash yells over the music.

"How about we dance first?" I yell back with a small smile.

Slash rolled his eyes but nodded his head returning the same smile.

"But to this song?" Slash asks furrowing his eyebrows.

I paused for a moment and listened to the music around us. Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen was playing.

"Yeah why not? A bit of swing dancing could go well with it." I wink.

Slash stuck his tongue out at me and stood up from the booth. He reached out grabbing my hand, taking me over to the dance floor.

My eyes stopped on a couple that was already on the dance floor. Slash had seen them, and seemed to be staring at them. It was his ex Arlene. She was dancing with a man with blonde long hair, which I could only guess would be her boyfriend.

"Look we can go back if you want." I suggest.

"No way." Slash twirls me around and yanks me back against his chest.

"Wow." I mutter. He knew what he was doing, I had no idea how to dance.

Things seemed to go like that all through the song. Him swinging me around, doing impressive stunts, but I couldn't help but notice he kept his eyes directly on Arlene as he did it. She seemed to be doing the same thing with her own boyfriend. Tossing him around. Was this some kind of ex dance battle? Or was he trying to make her jealous?

"I cant help but notice you seem to be trying to make a certain somebody jealous." I murmur, catching his attention.

Slash stopped dancing and his eyes looked straight into mine. "What? No! Never!" He says moving some of his curls from his mouth.

"If you love her than why use me?" I mumble. I could see there was something hidden deep inside of Slash. Like a lost love sort of thing for his ex.

"I don't love her. How about we stop talking about her. I'm here with you, I'm dancing with you. Not her." He sternly states.

"Well then let's dance." I frown.

Slash smirks and pulls me in close as the song changes. I Want To Know What Love Is by Foreigner begins.

His palm rested in my own whilst his other arm rested just around my hips. My hand rested on his shoulder as the other one, was of course in his hand.

"Who would've thought Slash knew how to slow dance. I'm not making fun, I don't know how to dance." I say tripping on his foot.

"I can tell." He chuckled looking down at our feet.

Slash shifted our position, so that our bodies were compressing against each other. My arms wrapped around his neck, and his arms holding my waist.

"Just go with the music. And let me lead." He whispers in my ear. I don't respond but do as I'm told. Letting the music and Slash take over my body. Slowly swaying back and forth to the slow tunes of the music.

The song soon changed to Simply Irresistible by Robert Palmer.

'How can it be permissible?

She compromise my principle, yeah, yeah

That kind of love is mythical

She's anything but typical

She's a craze you'd endorse, she's a powerful force

You're obliged to conform when there's no other course

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