Chapter Thirty-Seven 'Come Back To Me.'

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3 Months Later:

Izzy and I waited outside for Slash to arrive. Izzy's car wouldn't start which was clearly a battery issue. And believe me Izzy wasn't pleased at all, he was in a foul mood, which was a change from the last few months. Izzy and I had officially been together as a proper couple for three whole months, we had our ups and downs of course but we always found a way back to each other. We were like magnets, we would always come back to each other, become closer and stronger

"You fucking piece of shit!" Izzy growl kicking the tyre of his Lincoln.

"Relax Izz, we can fix it up tomorrow. But for now don't let it bother you, Slash is gonna be here any minute." I reassure him, resting my hand against his shoulder.

"What if I didn't want Slash driving us around huh? That fucker still loves you, and he is probably high and drunk as fuck! I'd like to know we will arrive there in one piece! And I know we will if I drive!" Izzy hisses, shrugging my hand from him.

Taking a step back, I rested my hand upon my stomach, almost protectively. Ever since Izzy and I first made it official, weeks after Izzy and I had discovered I of course had fallen pregnant. That wasn't what we had planned, in my opinion it was too soon. But nonetheless I would always love the child the same, besides, Izzy seemed quite happy about it. He was proud, but he was worried he wouldn't make a good fatherly figure for it. I thought otherwise.

"I want to make sure you and the baby travel safely, okay? You both are my family now and I want to be able to protect you both as much as possible." He leaned against the car and gazed over at me. It was strange sensation to know something was growing inside your own body, something that would flourish into a beautiful child, Izzy's and my beautiful child.

"But Izzy, we can trust Slash! He's not a complete arsehole, he does have feelings himself. He won't do anything to harm us and you know that!" I rouse, defending Slash.

"He's a fucking junkie Stace, he can't go without drugs!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Izzy you can't talk! You were a drug dealer, a junkie yourself!" I watch how he frowns again, his beautiful eyes watching me in return.

"Maybe, but I'm sobering up! I'm changing, or at least trying to. I've been sober for two months now, yeah I may have moments but I am trying. For the sake of my own health, for you and the baby!" His voice grows loud again. I was starting to regret having Slash to pick us up while Izzy was in such a foul mood. No doubt there was going to be either tension or troubles throughout the car ride. I trusted Slash enough, Izzy and Slash were once as close as brothers and were band mates, why couldn't he put his trust into him?

"Well unlike you, I trust him." I spit taking my attention off him.

"You know what? How about you go with the fucker and I'll find my own way there." He curses.

"Stop being so temperamental." I whine. Hearing the quiet revs of a car and the squeak of brakes, my eyes land on Slash's blue mustang pulling into the driveway behind Izzy's Lincoln.

"Why don't you stop being a hormonal bitch?" Izzy retorts. Grinding my teeth, I snapped my attention back to Izzy.

"I'll be a hormonal bitch whenever I please. Now if you don't get into the car, I'm going to grab you by the ear and drag you into it myself." I threaten pointing my finger at Izzy. Spinning on my heels, I strutted towards Slash's car, putting a strained smile onto my face. Slash would recognise immediately that Izzy and I had been arguing, it was clear and Slash read me like a book. Slash removed himself from the car and stood up straight, his dark curls covering his face as a smile peaks onto his lips.

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