Chapter Twenty-Three 'Just Thinking.'

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Listening to the sounds of birds humming around the car and the snoring of Izzy, I slowly opened my eyes. I was buggered and not to mention I felt mentally exhausted after keeping myself from crying over Slash. That took a big deal and so far I had succeeded on what felt like a broken heart. Maybe it was due to the fact that I had Izzy right beside me from earlier yesterday to through all night long, to this morning. Lifting my head, I had taken more notice that Izzy was completely sprawled out on the seat with a pillow under his head, whilst my body half in between the back of the seat and on top of Izzy. He was comfortable to lay on, I'll give him that.

Izzy's dark straight hair had been somewhat pulled from his face and into a hair band, keeping his hair from tickling his face I supposed. Never had I really took in how Izzy slept and how he looked sleeping, but when I did he couldn't look anymore at peace. It was like he was smiling, something he tried not to do on a daily basis, it was a good look for him to smile though.

"Morning, what you smiling and looking at me for?" Izzy spoke, still with his eyes closed. That was something that almost gave me a heart attack. His eyes soon popped open and half a smile peaked on his pink lips.

"Just thinking." I reply.

"Ah okay." Izzy nodded his head, closing his eyes whilst his lips grew into a decent sized grin.

"Now what are you smiling about?" I question.

"Oh you know," Izzy opened his eyes still smiling. "Just thinking."

Shaking my head and slapping his chest playfully I pushed myself off of Izzy, trying my hardest not to lean hard on his body. There was no space for me to sit down with Izzy lying there like that, and if I did, I would be straddling him. Straddling Stradlin, sounds like fun and was quite a tongue twister.

"What did I do last night? My backs killing me." I exclaim feeling the sharp pain tear up my spine.

"You know, we got a little tipsy, we were having sex one minute then the next we ended up tumbling onto the ground." Izzy stared at me with a serious expression, a slight peak of his lips trying to pull into a smile.

"Wait what?" I say in shock, I was sure my eyes were bulging out of their sockets and my jaw was hanging open. But I couldn't really say I could remember anything, I didn't even remember drinking. I knew one side of my brain was in shock whilst the other was trying to imagine it. Honestly with knowing what Slash has been up to, I wouldn't have minded if Izzy and I did. But I couldn't imagine us because he was a close friend, but that didn't say I wouldn't have dreamt about it once. Izzy was a very attractive man, he always had been to me and always would be. But Slash had me wrapped around his finger, that's what made it hard. I had strong feelings for him yet in a way I was attracted to Izzy in every single way, not just because of his appearance.

Although with being heart broken people say you aren't thinking straight, I felt like more or less like I was.

"I'm just kidding. You've been laying on a car seat all night in probably an awkward position. You need to stretch your back doll." Izzy chuckled at my expression. "My lil rocket queen." Izzy winked slowly sitting up.

"You noodle! You had me so confused and shocked." I nudged his side smiling.

"You should've seen your expression though, you looked worried but also pleased. Does someone like me after all?" Izzy teases tapping my lip cheekily.

Keeping quiet, my mind switched back over to Slash and last night, something which Izzy must have recognised through my expressions.

"Don't worry Stace, he's not worth it if he can't see the great deal in front of him." Izzy rubbed his hand against my thigh.

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