Chapter Thirty-Four 'Blew A Raspberry'

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Slowly removing myself from bed, out of Izzy's warm embrace, I tiptoed out of the room and into the bathroom. I could no longer sleep, besides I never wanted to wake Izzy from his peaceful slumber. He was like an angel when he slept, he looked truly happy, peaceful.

Turning on the light, I squinted at the brightness. It was early morning, before the sun had risen. I wouldn't be surprised if it was about five o'clock in the morning. Too early in my opinion, but I was restless. Turning on the tap, I leaned down closer to the sink and splashed some water against my skin. Washing away the probably dried up drool marks on the outsides of my mouth and the sleep from my eyes. Unfortunately I couldn't wake up without looking like a clown, I didn't improve at all. I couldn't imagine how I looked to Izzy when he first woke up. Or even to Slash for that matter. It wasn't a pretty sight, not at all.

Wiping my face with the towel, I felt the need to brush my teeth as well. I desired the minty taste after brushing them. After finishing washing my face, brushing my teeth and combing my hair, I made my way back to the bedroom. Just being able to make out figures in the room, I noticed the bed was completely empty. Was it just my sight in the dimmed light or was Izzy gone? Turning on the light, as I thought, no one was there. Izzy was gone also. So much for not waking him up, but where was he?

Turning on my heels, I came face to face with Izzy. Jolting in fight, I yelped, which seemed to have startled Izzy also.

"Izzy! Don't scare me like that!" I snap, relief flowing through me.

Izzy tilted his head to one side as he leant against the doorway. A small smile crosses his face and soon enough, he took a step closer to me and swiped a strand of my hair from my face. Still he hadn't spoken a word.

"Izzy?" I whisper, not sure what to do and worrying whether something was wrong with him. Izzy placed his pointer finger against my lips and hushed me. He then gently grasps my waist and pulls me forward.

"Just trust me okay?" Was all he said before removing his finger from my lips and now caressing my cheek as he slowly leant in. The faint smile never leaving his face. His lips brush against mine at first, his breath tickling my face. Keeping my eyes open for a few more seconds, basically staring cross eyed at Izzy who had his eyes closed. His lips compressed against mine, gasping in more of surprise, I fluttered close my eyes.

Izzy's hand that was once grasped onto my waist had now slipped around and was curled around me like a snake. His body had compressed against mine and slowly he progressed to push me back towards the bed, his lips still connected to mine and his warm body against mine.

As if played out in slow motion, my body hopelessly fell lightly against the bed, just like a feather floating closer and closer to the ground. Izzy landed on me, not seeming to weigh a thing. His dark hair curtained our faces and gently tickled my skin. His lips, slipperily moved in a sync with my own, Izzy obviously having control. Not that I minded, he was a very good kisser.

Moving my hands to his back and his hair, I tangled my fingers through his surprisingly soft hair. I felt like I was experiencing my first kiss over again, for once it felt like or seemed like I had no idea what I was doing. That had to be a pain for Izzy.

"Just relax, don't be so tense." Izzy pulls away and whispers against my lips. Slowly, his lips trailed along my jaw and to the soft part on my neck, nearby my ear. Keeping my eyes shut, I bit my damp lip and enjoyed the gentle pleasurable sensations he was creating on my neck.

The sensations he made on my skin was enough for me to quietly, barely louder then a squeak of a mouse, moan. The longer we were like this, the more my body had seemed to relax under his. I had gotten all so nervous and from the scare he had given me earlier, I was still coming down from the fright.

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