Chapter Twenty-Eight 'Get In The Ring'

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"Wanna know something?" Izzy breathlessly questions, his body laying beside mine. We had stripped from some of our clothes but we didn't go all the way, more or less dry humped each other and had a deep kissing session.

"Sure." I reply, turning onto my side.

"I don't think I've ever kissed a girl like that so much." He whispers. I couldn't help but smile at his comment.

"So I'm special eh?" I smirk, my breathing had calmed down and I was reasonably back to normal.

"You're more then special doll." He chuckled. Shuffling closer to Izzy, I cuddled against him and rested my head onto his chest, his warm chest pressed against my cheek.

"You know the band and I have recording today, we're working on a song called You Could Be Mine and possibly a few more. I know you don't want to see Slash, but are you interested in tagging along? For me?" He curiously asks. I could feel the worry fluttering around in my body, I really didn't want to come face to face with Slash, but I did indeed want to see everyone else. It had been a while since I had seen each of them. There was more pros to the situation then cons. The pros were listening to them record, also being able to watch them in their zone but also catch up with them all. The cons was specifically Slash.

"Yeah sure Izz, but you guys are really recording this late?" I murmur, it was around three in the afternoon and now they were going to record?

"It was a bit of a last minute scheduled thing. Besides we will have the studio all to ourselves." His chest rumbled as he spoke, he had a semi-deep voice unlike Axl who's was very deep and gruff.

"Fair enough." I nod.

"I guess we better get ready then." He whispers this time, kissing the top of my head.

"I suppose." I return, peeling myself from Izzy's body and finding my discarded clothes sprawled out alongside Izzy's. He was only left in underwear whilst I was in my undies and bra.

Finding myself sitting outside of studio not so long later, or should I say finding myself sitting in Izzy's lap. We were waiting outside for the rest of the band to show up, so far it was only us. Izzy had a cigarette darted against his lips and one arm wrapped securely around my waist.

"You fit perfectly in my lap yo' know?" Izzy breathes out the smoke, lucky for him I had mostly a short upper body so he could practically see over my shoulder. I was all legs, more then half of my body was made up of legs.

"As long as you don't start bouncing me. Otherwise I'll have to elbow you." I warn with a smirk.

"Don't tempt me darlin'. Otherwise you may get me excited." He whispers in my ear, that was before he kissed the crook between my neck and shoulder.

"Oh yeah? Get you excited huh? In what ways?" I smirk knowingly.

"First of all, you don't know how you got me feeling, second of all, I will end up kissing you to death and third of all, you'll get my ol' fella to rise." He sucked my neck, an occasional nibble here and there. Turning my head to one side, I let a moan escape my lips. His lips were magic, he knew what to do and how to make it pleasurable.

"Izzy." I sigh his name, resting my back completely against his chest.

"I see you like that." He huskily murmurs in my ear. Almost as though Izzy had completely forgot about the cigarette that rested in between his fingers, he brought it up to his lips and took a drag, blowing the smoke away from me. He knew I wasn't much of a smoker, in fact I didn't really like it. It was kind of disgusting. Watching a small car pull over, my eyes carefully scanned Duff who had got out of the car with Steven who had seemed to tag along.

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