Chapter Twenty-One 'Innocent, Pure And Fuckin' Perfect.'

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Laying on the lounge, keeping my eyes shut, I listened into the conversation that was happening behind me. They of course assumed that I was fast asleep after my small outburst from earlier, I really should've been asleep, but that was something I refused to do. Otherwise I knew my dreams would be haunted by the memories of the crash, it would repeat over and over again. Something I really didn't wish to happen.

"So you actually know why she was upset? I mean I've got no clue and that car, shit it's a wreckage! It needs a good fixer-upper." Izzy's voice rung from the kitchen.

"Yeah man. You could say I did a bit of research. Found an old article in a newspaper down by the dumpster. Ya' know outside of the telegraph shop where they don't seem to get rid of anything?"

"Yeah what about 'em?" Izzy was sounding confused and bewildered, maybe it was the fact knowing Slash had actually went out on a research investigation. That was definitely something Slash didn't do, unless he was completely into the 'subject'.

"Well the article I found was one on an accident that occurred a couple years back. It was a T-bone car accident on the highway, three people were involved. A random trucker, and two siblings, a brother and sister. Both known to have the last name, which is Stacey's last name. Anyways it read that everyone survived but one, Stacey's brother died at the scene soon after the medics arrived. The trucker got out of the accident with minimum damage, scuffs and shit, but Stacey was of course injured the most. She had a suspected broken neck, and other injuries, although the rest of the article was torn away. So I haven't got a clue what else it said." I could feel the lump form in my throat, everything Slash was saying was true. All I wanted to do was ball my eyes out, but I couldn't allow myself. I didn't want them knowing I was awake and also ease dropping on their conversation.

"You're fucking with me, right?" Izzy replies instantly, trying to laugh as though Slash had told him a bad joke. But by the sounds, Izzy struggled to say or do anything, he was still comprehending it all.

"Nah man, I wish I was. And that car? It was the car involved in the crash, I've got no idea why she has it. Might have something to do with her brother, fuck knows. And I don't particularly want to ask, especially when it effects her like that. I can't look at her all broken and aching. It breaks my heart."

"Fuck me." Izzy cussed in shock.

"Look man, I've got to head out for a lil' bit. Can you watch her for a while? Make sure when she wakes up she doesn't do something drastic?" Slash questions, the sounds of his boots echoing on the tiled floor. The sound of his boots come to a stop directly in front of me, even without his boots, I could feel his presence. Soft, warm-feeling lips compressed against my head after a moment startling me at first. Well I didn't expect that. Acting as though I was asleep, I stirred, snuggling my face deeper into the pillow below my head. Let's hope my acting skills were happening as of now.

"Yeah go on, when she wakes I need to talk to her anyways. Need to apologise, I was shitfaced earlier and was a fuckwit towards her." Izzy's voice gradually grew closer and closer.

"Thanks Izz, be easy on her she's still fragile. And for fucks sake, no Mr. Brownstone. I don't want her ending up like all the rest of the chicks around town. She's too innocent, too pure. God, she's perfect." Slash's voice finished with the fading sounds of his boots and the slam of a door.

A sigh escaped Izzy as he slumped down on the space beside my head. He soon spoke, clearing the silence that was heard in between us.

"He's not wrong Stace, you are innocent, pure and fuckin' perfect. If only you knew-" He trails off, his voice disappearing into nothing yet again. Izzy's fingers traces my cheek, sensing shivers down my spine. If I knew what?

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