Chapter Nine 'Sick Humor.'

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I cuddled up closer to Izzy, the sharks were severely freaking me out. They were very realistic, especially for ones in a horror film.

Why did I even say yes to watching the movie, Jaws? I had been in a real life situation with sharks when I was little. And now I was stupid enough to watch a movie that included sharks? Stupid me.

"Are you scared?" He whispers with a small chuckle.

"No." I stubbornly answer, shaking my head.

"You are, aren't you?" He wraps an arm around my shoulder, as if his body contact would somehow ease me. It did help, but it didn't help that I was mentally seeing sharks, even when I closed my eyes to escape it.

"Fine, maybe a little." I shivered, looking away from the TV for a moment or two.

I feel Slash stir on my lap so I looked down upon him. He was rubbing his face deeper into my lap, he was adorable when he slept. And what I couldn't help but realise was, he had been staying at my house for a couple of days. He's been here since the night we were to go dancing, two days later he's still here. I didn't mind though, it was nice to wake up with somebody else in my house. I wasn't all by my lonesome self. I just couldn't roam around almost naked.

"Slash!" Izzy yells slapping Slash's cheek.

"Let him sleep." I mutter, disapproving of Izzy's action.

"What?" Slash groans, lifting himself up and off of my lap, glaring directly at Izzy. You could see he was a little grumpy. He was always that way when someone woke him up, I mean I was the same.

"Stacey's frightened." Izzy calmly states.

"Hey! Don't tell the entire neighborhood." I slap Izzy's knee, the embarrassment clear on my heated cheeks.

"It's okay, you'll be safe with me, I dunno about Izz." Slash smiles wrapping his arms around me. His mood seemed to have lightened up, especially since he was aware of how spooked I was. I was doing pretty good wasn't I? Two guys, one girl. Especially when they're both in a famous band and both snuggling up against me.

Hours passed by ever so slowly and before long, it was after midnight and now we had seemed to be watching a fairly new movie called, The Blob.

I glanced at Izzy to see him resting his head against the arm of the chair asleep. I would've thought he'd be the last one to fall asleep.

"You scared?" Slash's voice echoed in my head.

"No, it's just the blob thingy is really creeping me out." I whisper looking back at the TV screen. Whenever I saw the blob I couldn't take my eyes from it, it was almost like my eyes were glued to the screen.

"Pretty cool, I reckon." He tightens his grip around me, making me feel a lot better.

"I'd hate for it to exist though." He adds. I rested my head against Slash's shoulder and continued to watch it. In the end of the film, especially when one of the main characters was about to kill off the blob, using a nitrogen truck, the woman tripped and fell, landing back onto the truck. That's when I lost it, I couldn't hold in my laughter enough.

"Are you laughing?" Slash chuckles, hearing both my laughter and feeling the vibrations from me. I couldn't help it, I was cackling. I mean, I was overtired and watching a horror, what else was I going to do.

"Yes!" I choke through my laughter.

"What's so funny?" He says starting to laugh himself.

"S-she went to jump off and, and she fell back onto it!" I laugh, my voice shaking and my breathing hard. Obviously I found horror films hilarious at this time of night, something I never knew about myself until now.

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