Chapter Thirty 'What Have I Done?'

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Slash POV:

Feeling the burn of the alcohol in my throat, I smashed the shot-glass against the surface of the table, surprising Duff and also myself, having it not break. Not even a crack in the glass was visible. Strong fucking glass.

"You just don't get it Duffer, I love her. I realise that now but I didn't before all of this shit started." I hiss. My anger lately had been sky rocketing through the roof, my jealousy was clear and I couldn't feel anymore hopeless.

"Dude, chill. I get it! And keep your voice down, you're gonna get us thrown out!" Duff replies, his fingers digging into the edges of the table, his forehead had creased into a frown and his eyes were narrowed at me.

"I don't fucking care if I'm thrown out or not! I have more important things to think about! Like he's probably got her wrapped around his naked body right now! I can't stand for this shit! She's my girl, she loves me not him!" I raise my voice pointing my finger at Duff. My head was spinning from the amount of alcohol I had consumed and my speech was all over the place.

"Slash, lower your fucking voice! I'm right here!" Duff takes a breath, clenching his teeth. I was frustrating him, clearly. Besides, my yelling in the bar had also gotten the attention of everyone surrounding, they all looked over their shoulders at us both. Grinding my teeth, my anger seemed to lose control. It wasn't the fact that it was Duff not listening, it was the fact that even in my drunken state my thoughts were on Stacey and what might her and Izzy be doing right now. It was the idea that he probably had his arms wrapped around her bare body in bed under the blankets, she would be smiling at him as though he was her world. That should be me, I was the only one allowed to touch her, look at her, kiss her. Izzy was only simply meant to be a close friend, not a god damn fuck buddy. Or even a boyfriend. He was standing in my place, he was laying in my spot in bed, he was overshadowing where I use to be. He himself was overshadowing me full stop.

"You know what, fuck you, fuck him, fuck every god damn person in this club. I don't need any of you, the only person I need is Stace." I drunkenly rip myself from the chair, turning on my feet as I grasped onto the table for support. My hand knocked over the glass on the table, letting it fly off onto the floor, the glass shattering everywhere.

"Fuck." I hiss looking down at the broken glass between my boots.

"C'mon Slash, don't be so hostile. Sit down before the bouncers come and get you." Duff intervenes, standing up on the opposite side of me this time, pleading me to take a seat.

Looking over my shoulders, I clenched my jaw. "No way man. I've had enough." I answer. With that I attempted to walk normally towards the exits, I was all over the place. Falling against people, tables and anything and everything. Luckily I had managed to get to the exit before the security could touch me, but believe me they were glaring at me.

Outside of the club, I got into my car, struggling to find the ignition with the keys. Once I had managed to find the ignition, I went to start up the engine but nothing clicked over. Turning the key again, I growled and slammed my hands against the steering wheel.

"You're a piece of shit!" I hissed, gripping tightly on wheel and pressing my forehead against it. I had the urge to talk to Stacey, I needed to see her no matter what the cost was.
Pushing open the door, I stumbled out of the car barely able to stand straight.

Hobbling alongside the road, I swayed as soon as I came to a stop, everything was moving in my vision but I could just make out things. Noticing the empty cab only a couple of metres up, I stumbled towards it and fell into the back seat, startling the driver.

"Ah, where to?" He asked. As I was about to speak the words of her address, I realised I in fact didn't know it. I only knew it by driving there myself, never had I taken notice of the names and numbers. Cursing, I sat up glaring at the man. I had to somehow picture driving from where I was to her house, it was unbelievably hard due to all I could see was her beautiful face smiling at me.

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