Chapter Sixteen 'Love In An Elevator.'

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I walked out of my room, completely dressed up in the outfit Izzy chose. Hearing a growling sound, I followed it into the kitchen to see Izzy eating cereal from the box, his head shaking like a rabid dog. Now that's not weird at all. I guess that happens when you get high.

I slowly walked over to the door, opening up and gazing out at the driveway. Izzy's long Lincoln blocking my view from the road.

Lights flashed on from behind Izzy's car and a small smile plastered across my face.

"See ya Izzy, don't go burning down the house." I yelled closing the door behind me and making my way pass the Lincoln to Slash's Ford Mustang.

Opening up the passengers door, I quickly jumped in and shut the door behind me.

"I thought you bailed on me." Slash nervously chuckled as he tapped the steering wheel.

"No of course not, why? You weren't waiting that long were you?" I say a little to quickly, Slash's eyes glistened and a smile formed on his olive toned face.

"No, but the house looked dead. Except for Izzy's infestation on the cereal." Slash pointed to the window without the blind.

"I thought I replaced the blind." I mutter tapping my chin. Obviously work got in the way.

"I could replace it for you if you want, I mean I got heaps of spares at my apartment and shit." Slash turned the key and turned on the engine. The beautiful note sounds of his car revving to life.

"No it's fine, I've got one, I just got to replace it. That's all."

"But thanks." I add with a smile.

Slash simply nods his head and begins to reverse out of the driveway.

I pull on my seatbelt and stare out of the window listening to the sounds of the radio. I wonder where we're going?

"So how are you?" Slash's hand rests against my knee, taking me out of my daze.

I looked down at Slash's hand on my knee and looked up at Slash. Thankfully his eyes were on the road, we didn't need a collision or a roll over tonight. Actually it was preferable that we didn't have one full stop.

"I'm great, never felt better." I answer, my body growing warm from the contact of his hand on my knee. "And you? How are you?" I question watching Slash intently. His curls were masking his face tonight. As they always did.

"Better now." I could hear the smirk as he took a quick glance at me then looked back at the road.

I was thankful he kept his eyes on the road, at least I knew our risk of having a car accident decreased.

"The sky's so pretty tonight." I admit looking up at the sky, even if you could barely see the stars from the bright lights of the city, it brought a pretty colour to the clouds.

"That's not the only pretty thing tonight." Slash mumbles. I snap my head back towards Slash, he wasn't looking in my direction.

"And yes Stace, I'm talkin' about you." Slash chuckles.

My cheeks grew hot and a small smile made it's way onto my cheeks. How could one guy make me blush so much?

"I'm not pretty." I state.

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