Chapter One 'Wherever The Night Leads Me'

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February '90:

"Why hello there stranger." A specific voice caught my attention, as I stared off into the distance wiping dry a schooner's glass.

"Oh hey." I say coming back to reality and looking at the regular customer the pub had on a nightly basis.

"So what's your story huh?" He asks in amongst the iconic thick black curls.

"What do you mean? You see me here every night. You know me." I reply clearly confused.

"No I mean is this just your job; Waitressing at the bar?" It was hard to see the expression he held under the curtain of curls.

"No, it's not just my job; it's actually a job to get me extra money. I don't have a money tree like you may have." I smile. He knew very well that I was being cheeky.

"No, I've got no money tree. It's just the left over money from our Appetite for Destruction Tour. You know you can always ask for a lend." He suggests tapping his finger to a beat.

"No, I don't take people's money. I work for it myself. Anyway who said that this was my only job?" I smirk placing the schooner glass down onto the clean rack.

"Then what is your other job?" He leans forward grasping onto my side of the bar, it almost looked like I had him on the edge of his seat. As if I was about to tell him the most exciting news of the evening.

"Stripper." I say trying to hold a serious face, but I'm sure I was unsuccessful.

"Really now?" He asked, a cheeky smirk plastered across his olive coloured skin. When I really thought about it, the guitarist had beautiful skin. For a female, I was in a way jealous that a man could have such perfect skin. I was pasty white; tans didn't seem to stay on me for long. Even getting a tan was an impossible mission for me, I got burnt to a crisp and than after I healed, I'd turn more pale. If that was even possible. But truly, I had been avoiding the sun since I moved to L.A. I knew that the sun here wasn't as harsh like it was in Australia, but I wasn't really taking any chances. Anyway I was always working. Except for Saturday's, Sundays and Public Holidays. But that was about it. Who had the time to just lay around in the sun? I sure didn't.

"Nope." I giggle picking up a dirty champagne glass.

"That's a shame. I'd pay just to watch you."

"Pervert." I stick my tongue out, the smirk lingering on my lips.

"Only for you sweetheart." He teased.

"Stacey, are you going to serve your customer or not?" Donald questions from behind me, he was the supervisor of the pub. One hell of a sleazy man too.

"He's Slash. He can wait." I reply bitterly, it wasn't like it was busy anyway. I didn't like Donald one bit, the hatred I had for him was obvious to anyone, he was disgusting whilst the manager was one of the best people you could get. His name was Gus Ricco. He wasn't foreign to this country as I was. But he definitely did have a bloodline relating back to Spain. There was moments when you could really see his heritage coming out in him.

But I? I was just the foreign girl from Australia. People treated me differently for both that I wasn't from around here and secondly because I was a vulnerable woman who couldn't protect herself. Boy have they misled themselves.

"Yeah I'm Slash; give her some slack mister grumpy." Slash says looking pass me and towards my supervisor.

"I can kick you out of the bar if I was willing to and for you, I could take your job away from you." He threatened, his eyes flickering between Slash and myself.

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