Chapter Fifteen 'Izzy You're High.'

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I sat on my bed with a towel wrapped around my body, my hair was soaking wet with messy ringlets hanging over my shoulders and back.

What should I wear? I pondered staring into space.

A small knock at my door, seemed to have brought me back to reality. Back out of day dreaming about Slash and our date we were about to go on.

"Come in!" I say without thinking. Dammit woman you are still in a towel!

I tug the towel higher covering my chest and tugging it down at my legs, so that I wasn't flashing whoever it was that entered my room.

"I heard." The voice rung. Izzy.

"Heard about what?" I ask turning my head to face him.

He was standing at my door, with it already shut behind him. "About you and Slash goin' on a date tonight." Izzy lowers his head, he seemed to be looking at me through his small fringe covering his eyes.

"Oh yeah, that." I blush lightly and look down at my hands that rested in my lap.

"Do you wanna really do this? I mean Slash is one of my best fuckin' friends, but it's not his heart I'm worried about getting broken in the end. You can always pull out if you're not comfortable." Izzy takes a seat next to me.

"I want to do this Izz, but why are you asking such a thing?" I glance up from my hands and towards Izzy.

"Stace, you're the type of girl who wants to settle down with a dude, get married and start a family. The thing is, Slash isn't looking for that sort of thing. He has a fast life, and that's the way he likes it. We all do, me, Duff and even Steven does. Honestly out of us all, I can only see Axl wanting to start a family right now. Not Slash. I'm just afraid you're gonna get hurt in the end." He looks into my eyes for a moment then looks away. They were blood shot. He was high.

It wasn't a secret that Izzy was the drug dealer of the band, whatever you needed, he had it. I knew that from him admitting it to me. He was the bands biggest junkie. But he didn't show his addiction often, he was a very private man, he kept those kinds of things hidden. They were kept behind closed doors.

"Izzy you're high." I sigh looking deeper into his eyes. I was worried that the drug dealing or the drug use was going to be the death of him. Of all of the guys. If I didn't know any better I could see that in the band. In Guns N' Roses, drugs was what was going to kill them. It changed people, mostly in a bad way.

"Fuck off, I ain't high." He giggled hysterically. That wasn't quite the reaction I expected out of him, but I ignored it and continued on to say what I really thought.

"You really need to get off Mr Brownstone, Izz. I don't want it to be the cause of you lying on a death bed." I mutter. Luckily he didn't hear me. He was too high and too giggly. But I had to say, his giggling was contagious, it made me start giggling along with him.

"What's so funny?" I laughed along with him. You would swear we had both just inhaled a large amount of happy gas, or was high on something other than that. Only one of us was high, and that wasn't me.

"I dunno." He wheezes out of breath.

"Strange little man." I shove my shoulder gently against his.

"Hey! I'm not strange, I'm unique. And I ain't little either, want me to show how big I am?" Izzy raises an eyebrow. He looked funny especially with the flustered face and blood shot eyes.

"Yeah unique." I giggle rolling my eyes. "And no thank you, I will do just fine without seeing your dick." I wink.

"We all know deep down inside, you want to look. C'mon, admit it, you want to see it." He teases pulling a face.

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