Chapter Two 'Who's The Hottie?'

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Slash had lead me to a club about a mile down from where I use to work. The music was quite loud and the lights were dimmed to an extent, but it was quite nice. For a full club. But that was all I could see from the line we stood in and by looking down pass the other people in front.

"Hey don't you have to be a member to get in here?" I ask as we take a step forward moving up in line. By the minutes, the line grew longer and longer behind us. Must of been a very place to go, couldn't be too popular. I had never been there.

"Yeah, but they know me and my band. We're an exception, thanks to Duff." He replies having to move in closer to whisper.

"Okay, but I'm not a part of the band?"

"They'll make an exception if you play as my girlfriend." He suggests.

"So they don't accept friends of one of the band members?" I ask a little taken back. Maybe he was just playing me. I mean, I had never heard of something like that before. Maybe the club was a lot more strict on their rules than the rest.

"No not really. Well I don't think so. But just play my girlfriend and you'll be right." He smirks, something told me he was lying. But for now, I ignored it.

"Are you just playing me?" I ask raising an eyebrow and squinting, to try and get the answer out of him. I probably looked like some random who was high according to the people passing by.

"No why would I do that?" He questions looking down at me. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic now and it didn't help that I couldn't see his facial expressions.

"Okay, do we have to be all you know?" I shake my head trying to get him to understand my strange head language.

"Are you guys members?" A rough voice sounds from in front of us. We were already at the start of the line, standing directly in front of the security.

"Hey Joey! My man, how you doing dude?" Slash says looking straight up to the six foot tall security who looked like he was on steroids. His muscles were enormous and bulging out of his black security shirt. They were way too big for my taste. But hey, if you're into an incredibly muscled man, than good on you.

"Slash is that you man? I couldn't see you from under that hair." He chuckles crossing his arms, making the veins in his arms stand out a hell of a lot more.

"Yeah Joe it's me, can you let us in, man?" Slash questions.

"Before I do, who's your friend the broad?" He looks down at me raising an eyebrow, looking at me suspiciously. I felt like I was being smuggled into somewhere I shouldn't be. But hey, I had to play it cool.

"Uh.. this gorgeous chick here is my girlfriend." Slash pulled me against him. His arm wrapped around my waist as his lips met my cheek. That little action had my heart pump a little harder in my chest.

"Girlfriend, huh?" The security guard questioned; still looking suspicious. He didn't seem to be convinced, or maybe he just always looked like that.

"Yeah, it's the first time I've brought her up this side of town. And she's just come from work for the night." His grip tightens on me. I think even Slash was a little nervous, but I didn't know for sure.

"So how does somebody so gorgeous and innocent looking become the girlfriend of the big dangerous guitarist, Slash?" He looks down at me. I had to play along, so why not give it my best shot. I can act decently, well I hoped I could anyway.

"Oh how I met this sweet bad boy?" I ask looking up at Slash, and flowed a hand up his chest. I could feel him shiver from the sensations I was probably giving him. Or that I was making him uncomfortable, either one.

Ain't It Fun (Guns N' Roses - Slash)Where stories live. Discover now