Chapter 10: Into you

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Finally, we go to bed. The ship is huge and ancient. I adore it. Everything is wood. I feel like I'm in Our Flag Means Death, or better yet Moby Dick. All the rooms have a little portholes that looks out into the water. And there are delightful bunks. And each room has its own little bathroom/shower. It's tiny and nice. Penny spends fifteen minutes texting me about how cozy the room is. We're across from each other. Hugh wouldn't let us share (the twins whined) and he was insistent that we not pop across the hall for chats or snacks.  I think Jason was the only one okay with that rule. The rest of us wanted to have little chats and snacks. Reese's room is next to mine. He's playing the little harp. Okay he and Penny called it something else but it's a little harp.  He's really good; it's actually soothing. Penny gave him a list of all the music that won't annoy her.

I flop down on the narrow bunk. I don't want to be as bothered as I am by my dad having another family. I mean, it makes sense. It's not like he was ever around. It's not like he ever told me he was straight. He didn't necessarily act straight. But—he betrayed my mom? How would she feel if she knew that months after I was born he was having an affair with some guy?  It feels dirty somehow. I feel bad feeling like that. But I do.

It's like he lied to us. I don't care—I wouldn't care if he had told me I had a brother. But he didn't. He kept us secret. Which one of us was he ashamed of? Both? Neither? I mean, I feel like it's me. Jason is handsome and stereotypically good looking and handsome and smart and good at school and good at stealing stuff. And he's straightish and identifies as a gender. He's not me. Is that why he was willing to let me die? Because he had a real son. Did he want me to be his son? Or his daughter?

I sigh. I know it's questions I'll never get answers to. Not worth it. He's not worth my time. but I will have to tell my mom. I hope she's not upset. I don't want to upset or hurt her. I texted her goodnight a couple of hours ago. She sent me kisses, and then a few different funny videos she found on the internet. She thinks I'm just hanging with Penny. She's cool like that, letting me go spend time with Penny or whoever. She's gonna be disappointed but not necessarily surprised when she finds out I'm breaking into the Underworld. Again. To get Ari. Again. But yeah she won't be surprised.

I can't sleep let's play a game

I smile and text Penny back: you didn't try very long to go to sleep but sure. What do you want to play?

Let's ask each other questions. You go first ask me any question

I smile still. What questions? I know most of the things she's interested in: Okay. What was your least favorite part of elementary school?

Penny: Yellow. Okay my turn Are you into girls?

I grin now: I'm into you

Penny: Like as in we're best friends?

Me: Yes but I'd also kiss you if you wanted

Penny: Oh thank god right now?

Me: if you like

"Ow—oww you weren't kidding where'd you get a baseball bat???" I tried to leave my room.

"I said don't leave the rooms," Hugh is standing there, purple sweatshirt and all, holding a baseball bat. He about hit me with it when I tried to leave my room. Penny came out when I cried out.

"What if I felt sick and walking into her room would make me feel better?" I whimper.

"You'll have to suffer, night," he shoves me back in my room.

I pick up my phone.

Me: Or apparently not right now

Her: Yes apparently not right now

Me: But soon. We'll work on it. Do you want it to be a surprise?

Her: No tell me I want to look forward to it

Me, flopping down on the bed, grinning: All right then. Let's kiss sometime tomorrow Penelope Claris.

Her: Why do you say my full name?

Me: Because I like all of you

The Fleece Job  (Olympus Drive Chronicles)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora