Chapter 26: From here?

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I leave Reese up on deck skipping around playing on his guitar. Our dad and I were able to mostly heal his eyes. So long as he wears dark glasses and we keep him in Ambrosia he should be fine. He forgets to wear the glasses every five minutes. He's currently refusing to go to bed and instead playing 'this is why we can't have nice things' fairly loudly. Hugh is asking him to stop. I gave Hugh some of Penny's earplugs and recommended he call it a night. Reese and I are sharing a room. He'll be down eventually.

The moment I step into my room and close door, Than appears. I jump, for understandable reasons. Imagine if you walked into your room, and your boyfriend, who is like seven feet tall, with flaming wings, and two flaming swords, and skin made of the ash of his victims, appears. Yes, I think you would jump too.

His face instantly falls when he sees my fear. He hates scaring people with how he looks. Especially when people is me.

"It's okay, I'm jumpy that's all---I'm glad to see you," I say, quickly, taking his hands which he was trying to stuff in his pockets.  "Hey. I'm glad you're here."

"The old man is negotiating with your grandfather," he says, stiffly.

"About me?" I ask.

"Yes. Apparently your grandfather is in favor of letting you stay alive, not only as a favor to your father, but because you brought Peter back," he says.

"And?" I ask.

"And the old man is saying that he's not going to have Gale claim you until you die again (which he thinks will be fairly soon), so long as you remain under supervision."

"House arrest," I translate.

"Essentially. He wants a proper guardian making sure you don't raise people from the dead every whip stitch—though at your grandfather's request is mostly fine. You can practice medicine and heal, but stopping death is off limits and he thinks you need supervision in order to do that. Because he doesn't trust your—or my judgment," Than says.

"So house arrest, not under your supervision?" I ask.

"No, I live in the Underworld," he says, blushing a little.

"House arrest under whom then?" I ask.

"Negotiations are occurring. The only person that they agree on so far is Zephyr."

"But I'm free?" I ask, smiling.

"Yes, you're free, so long as you play by the rules," he says.

"But I'm free to remain alive which is what you want?" I ask.

"Yes---of course it is!" he sighs.

"Then that's what I'll do," I say, smiling at him, "Until I die. Then I'll go back to being dead and you'll go back to reading to me from Keats and Sappho all day long."

"You remember that?" he asks, smiling a little.

"Yeah, a bit, I know you were there," I say, smiling too.

"You're not—I don't know. Your grandfather was talking about letting you have immortality if you behave. He thinks you'll be useful to raise mortals he likes—which the old man doesn't mind. Within reasons. Like I said, negotiations are still going on."

"Are 'negotiations' them getting progressively drunk while they talk about what to do with me?" I ask.

"Yes. In fact," he laughs, "Will you really do it?"

"For you? Always," I say.

"But you were so bent on raising everyone----not letting anyone die," he says, frowning, "What about your mother?"

"My mother—doesn't want to come back. And I think I've realized it's stupid, to hurt the people who care about me. To try to save people who don't," I say, putting a hand on his wing gently, "I thought that above all else I didn't want to let the world down. But I was wrong. I don't want to let you down."

"Okay," he says, looking sad still.

"Don't be afraid."

"Ari, you've died on me multiple times."

"I know. I'm sorry about that. I'm going to try here just---stick with me?"


"So is that it then? They're deciding where to put me?" I ask.

"Yes. Your father wanted to come and tell you but they started shouting at him to 'go kill a world's destroying python' and then they told me to go ahead and tell you," Than says, shrugging.

"They did?" I'm surprised.

"Your grandfather said he'd talk with you later. They're telling Hugh to not let you raise any mortals from the dead, but that as I was lurking I could leave them alone and run along and tell you," he says, hanging his head a little.

"I'm glad you did," I say, "I'm sharing with Reese so you can't stay but—,"

"No it's fine. I should go—,"

"But stay with me for a minute," I say, stroking his cheek.

"I'm sorry I scared you."

"Don't worry about it. I didn't expect you that's all," I say, "Was  my dad happy?"

"Yes, they told him to quit bouncing around and go slay a python."

"That's awful. I love snakes. Why is he doing that?"

"I noticed you love snakes, yes. I think this is more a monster than a snake," Than reassures me.

"It had better be," he knows better than to hurt one of my snakes.

"Anyway. I did just come to tell you that. I have got to work," Than says, sighing a little.

At that exact moment, Hyp appears and walks up and hugs us both. Interesting thing, Hyp's real form looks basically exactly the same as the one he chooses in the Underworld. A pajama wearing sloth-like individual with dark hair, who spends most of his time napping. No wings. No weapons. Just a fuzzy sweat suit and slippers. He hugs us both around the waist.

"I'm so happy you're not going to die again. He was sad." Hyp informs me, snuggling his face into both of our shirts. "He cried every day for weeks."

"I—," Than blushes.

"I missed him too," I say, patting Hyp. I am awfully tired. Wait a minute.

"Stop—you don't need to put anyone to sleep," Than disentangles us as best he can.

"But I'm sleepy."

"You're always sleepy. Come on, I'll take you home, then I have to work," Than says, patting his brother.

"I have to work in the morning in fact," I say.

"Yes, what are you doing?"

"I don't strictly know. I was told. I just didn't pay attention," I say, shrugging.

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