Chapter 28: The second heist Part 1

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Trough their combined intelligence, the best thing they all came up with, is that all the hyper children are going to fight the dragon and cause general mayhem, with Hugh supervising, while Ev and Jason go to confront Maddy, while I distract Helios. I got that job because A) I'm a Titan and technically I know him even if the last time we talked was when I was seven and hiding behind my mother B) I didn't want any of the kids doing that and like three of them kept volunteering to.

The thing is, while I know how to summon him (technically, my father taught me when I was very young and my mother immediately forbid me from doing it), I don't actually know if I could beat him in hand to hand combat. Nor do I know really anything about him beyond that he's maybe a brother or uncle or something of my fathers.

Anyway, I still go off on my own on the shore of the island, and summon him.

"Who dares---well well well. Little Zephyr. What is it you want?" he asks, folding his arms. He's wearing a nice button down short sleeved shirt and beach shorts, and glasses. He looks like I remember my father looking. Like a distinguished jerk who thinks he's cooler than he is.

Now like I said. I don't really know anything (at all) about being a Titan. Or what Titans do even. However, I do listen to Charon complain about our fellow Titans an awful lot, and I have been treated to many impressions of our now deceased leader. I met him once (briefly) in Tartarus and kicked his ass (briefly) and from what I saw, Charon's impressions were accurate. So. Here goes nothing.

 "I want to talk about superiority for our race. We need to take over. I have a power point prepared," I say, sweeping my hands in a broad gesture.

"What?" he laughs.

"We need to rise up. Destroy those horrible monsters. Once and for all this time. I have multiple power points on how this can work," again, this is just based off of how Charon said they talked. Yet he's not attacking me so it's working?

"Last I heard you were quite entrenched with the monsters. Word was your mother made you soft," he scoffs.

"She was mortal. They are passing. We Titans are forever," I can't believe this is working. I really can't. I hate how accurate Charon was. I really hate it.

"All right, boy, tell me everything."

Thank you Charon for giving me about fifteen hours of material. "Since the dawn of time we've been the ones with the—power. It is now time to take it back from the monster—people that they are."

"I'm listening."

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