Chapter 2: Impossible!

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Needless to say after that conversation, I start off the day's music with a rousing rendition of "Impossible!" from Roger and Hammerstein's Cinderella. It was my favorite musical from ages two to seven, and my dad I used to sing it every single Saturday while we did chores.

Ari mostly healed my eyes, so long as I keep the glasses on to protect them I can see, so that makes it easier to play, manage the speakers, and skip around deck high fiving the sirens who come up to sing with me. They forget all about their song and wind up singing along with mine. After "Impossible!" I move on to some more modern stuff. I play "Die Young" again since Ev and Penny liked that. Then we move on to "I'm a Believer" by Smashmouth. And then since I'm on Smashmouth I play "All Star" And by then everyone is ready to dance so I play "Born this Way". And by then the sirens are gone.

"Hey, it looks like they're gone now," I says, as everyone wearily stops dancing.

"I told you not to listen," Hugh plugged his ears. He still heard me. He's just pretending he didn't.

"It was so loud! I could still hear him past the wax," Ev says, helping Penny get it out of her ears.

"Oh, that's nothing. You should hear the jam session he and my dad have at sunrise every fucking goddamn day," Ari has been lying upside down in a deck chair this entire time with two snakes on his naked chest while we danced around him to 'Born This Way'.

"Oh, like you aren't involved in said jam sessions," he totally is. I climb down to sit next to him. My eyes feel all funny.

"I have heard those actually. I spent exactly one night in your dad's house," Hugh says.

"Why one, dare I ask?" Cassian asks.

"They sang the entirety of RENT between the hours of five and seven am when normal people are sleeping," Hugh says, "And that's how I found out my wife can sleep through anything including apparently an entire Broadway musical."

"Cool, so that was it? Sirens aren't so bad," Cassian leans over the edge of the ship.

"No that was fun!" I agree.

 "They were pretty though. Wait question—does everyone see chick sirens?" Cassian asks, looking at the water as Hugh hauls him away from the edge.

"Nope, some of us see chick and dude sirens," I say.

"I saw a couple of dude sirens," Cassian says, then he asks his brother, "What did you see?"

"The back of my eyelids! I was in that corner covering my ears," Peter says.

"I knew I liked you, kid," Hugh was doing the same thing.

"I was dancing. I didn't want to look at sirens," Penny says.

"I didn't really notice," Ev says, shrugging, as they stare off at the horizon, "How far are we, do you think?"

"A couple of hours yet," Jason says, looking at the sun, "We should reach the island by nightfall."

"I'm tired," I say, putting my head against Ari's arm.

"Aw, course you are. Close your eyes, rest 'em. We'll all probably die soon." Ari says, calmly, sitting up a little to give me a hug. 

"Are you---give me that," Hugh snatches Ari's red plastic cup away, "How much of this have you had?"

"I was not measuring, Uncle. I have decided to handle my problems like a Rhea, be intoxicated the majority of my waking hours," Ari says, flopping back down.

"Well that's not allowed on this ship, you're our Physician we need you sober," Jason says. Ari flips him off.

"Also you're underage," Hugh says, dumping the whiskey overboard, "What problems do you think you have anyway?"

"I'm in love with the spirit of Death who I inherently must battle since I raise the dead?"

"Hm. Good reason. Still don't get to become an alcoholic."


"Okay, come on everybody. Up on deck. We need to go over the plan," Jason says, clapping his hands.

"Do I get to cause a distraction again?" I ask, scrambling to my feet. My vision really is going funny now.

"Of course you do," Jason says, fondly, "Let's do this. We should make landing by nightfall."

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