Chapter 29: The second heist Part 2

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"You're seriously not going to tell me what happened?" my father is unimpressed.

"Nothing happened. Homer set part of the forest on fire. That's all. You really didn't have to come back," I say, folding my arms.

"I kind of did. The entire island was on fire according to the news. Why is your grandfather covering for you?" he asks.

"He's not. Because nothing happened. Now I'm going down to the beach," I say, picking up my towel.

"Fine. Abe will get it out of you eventually," he sighs, going back to his breakfast, "Aren't you eating anything?"

"Nope. Not hungry," I had a smoothie earlier.

"Why are you going swimming?"

"Because I want to. Why twenty questions?"

"You don't have your phone."

"I'm just going swimming," I sigh. My phone is charging. I have my old camera, that my grandfather brought me when it was brand new. I like using it sometimes. It's harder to upload the pictures from it but I did a few posts earlier. This is fine.

He mutters something about irrational girls as I leave. I ignore him, going back into the living room to find my sandals.

I no sooner see the boys pop up from behind the sofa than I'm hugging Jason around the waist, face in his faded red band t-shirt.

"You came back!" I cry, happily, "I thought you left me."

"Only temporarily because people were trying to kill us," Jason says, very understandingly. "I needed to talk to you and make sure you were okay."

"No! I'm not. I want to come with you, wherever you're going."

"Cool, aren't people gonna try to kill us if you leave?" the other one, who has rainbow hair, asks lazily.

"Yes---go now. Is your ship still docked off the north side of the island?"

"Yes," Jason says, suspiciously.

"I'll come talk to you tonight. Everyone is here you have to go," I say, putting my hands on his chest. "Wait for me."

"I will. Be careful."

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