Chapter 15: Welcome to the Underworld

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It's surprisingly smooth sailing after the Hydra. I'm very disappointed no one asked me why I thought to pack chainsaws. I am very proud of myself. Renting Mandy one night in a hotel room was such a good investment. My father always said that art is a reflection of how want the world to be, or how we fear it is. One of those two. And that no matter what form of art it is, it can always tell you something about the people who choose to consume it.

For example, Reese has been playing 'All Star' for fifteen minutes. That means he is a born distraction. I love that kid. We hit five banks in California and no one was the wiser. He and I make an excellent team and I'll be sad to see him go back to school come fall.

I don't know what I'll do come fall. Or where I'll be. Never mind all that. This will work. It will. It has to. I'll just get the fleece.

"Look," Ev says, pointing ahead. Sure enough, I can see the water starting to swirl.

"That's the sink hole. Are you sure about this?" Penny asks me.

"Yes. Definitely," I say, rubbing my hands together, "Peter, guide the ship. Cassian will keep watch for monsters and our return."

"I'm ready," Reese is bouncing, a yellow guitar on his back. I don't know where he got all the instruments I really don't. They just started showing up and now they're just here.

"Let's go then. We'll take the other life boat down the whirl pool," I advise, picking up my own backpack.

"No weapon?" Ev asks me.

"You don't have a weapon," I point out. I have a gun in bag that I don't care to use.

They raise their fists, and as they do beautiful bronze gloves extend from the cuffs they always wear. The gauntlets form around Ev's fingers, with spikes on the knuckles. Ev snaps their fingers and the fierce things disappear back into the unobtrusive cuffs.

"I am quite prepared, brother," Ev says, half smiling their usual cheeky grin. Our shared father smiles much more softly; they must get that look from their mother.

"As am I," I say, tapping my head.

"Wicked---did you get those from Uncle Isa?" Reese asks, actually bouncing in a circle.

"Yes, actually, but Pen's modified them," Ev says.

"I missed it, what's your weapon?" Penny asks me, "There are monsters down there."

"I'll manage," I say, shouldering my backpack, "Let's get going."

That's easier said than done. We four climb into the life boat. Ev knows how to row it, thankfully. That only does us good right up until we hit the swirling water and are instantly sucked under. For the second time today salt water fills my lungs and I choke, fighting back towards the surface.

As quickly as I'm under, we are free again, though. On a sandy bank which is littered with---human bones. I sit up, coughing, the horrible red t-shirt sticking to my chest. I look around. Reese is already rising and checking his guitar. Ev and Penny are helping one another up and looking around.

"Go," I tell Reese. I suspect we'll have company in a minute. He nods and takes off running into the dark. Does he know where he's going? I mean, I highly doubt it. But he'll no doubt be distracting.

"Whoooo comesss hereee,"  a terrible voice hisses. A rather unimaginative looking grim-repear figure looms out of the darkness. It's a skeleton, animated obviously, and dressed in decaying black robes. The thing is easily seven feet tall, one uncomfortable foot taller than Ev, who quickly stands and pushes their rainbow hair out of their face.

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