Chapter 32: The second heist Part 5

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Maddy shows up bright and early, just as we're tucking in to our MREs and crunchy peanut butter sandwiches (Penny). Maddy for her part, swims out to us wearing a pure white bikini that does so little to cover her body it's actually breathtaking. Hugh gives her an Argonauts t-shirt and a towel which she accepts.

She brought with her a water proof bag with a flash drive and a projector. I assume there are more things, but she doesn't get those out. Introductions to the Argonauts go about how you would expect and I'm sure she zones out after the first three of us.

"So! I have prepared a PowerPoint to explain why your heist failed last time," she says, bouncing up and down a little and pointing at the projection on the cabin door.

Reese raises his hand, "That's just a picture of Jason though."

"No, let her finish," Hugh says.

"Why---why do you have a picture of me asleep?" Jason asks, raising a hand.

"Maddy has pictures of all of us when we're asleep, Jason," Ari says, unconcerned.

"Are we gonna get to know how?" Zag asks.

"She came on last night while you were sleeping," Bronte says, chewing a fingernail, "I wasn't sleeping."

"Right, so I have a picture of her awake—,"

"Why?" I ask. I don't like my picture being taken.

"I collect pictures. My grandfather gave me this camera when it was brand new," she's holding about a hundred year old camera that is in excellent condition and would go for thousands on eBay.

"Okay go on," Jason rubs his face.

"My plan is threefold," she changes the slide to, more  pictures of Jason asleep. It's a slideshow of Jason. Okay. This may become a problem. "First, you have to defeat the dragon to get to the fleece. Jason has to do it. Himself. Only the person who is rescuing me can that's how the spell works--,"

"Sounds fake, but okay," Bronte says.

"Meanwhile, I will distract my father and brother. And the rest of you will fight off the guards who will try to stop me from leaving," she says, proudly.

"That sounds way too simple," I say.

"My dragon turns into a dozen guards. You have to fight past them and then drop this potion on the ground. That will get him to sleep. Then you can take the fleece from where he put it in a tree," she hands Jason a little jar. "There, any questions?"

Cassian raises his hand, "Can you NOT take pictures of us when we're asleep?"

"Noted. Any other questions?"

"What do you mean 'fight past?" Penny asks.

"Vanquish in hand to hand combat."

"Vanquish whom?"

"The soldiers who spring up from the ground."

"Do these soldiers spring up from the ground wearing armor?"

"They do not."


"You can help us with the other guards who will be wearing armor," Hugh says.

"Yeah. I'll go with Jason," I say.

"Me too," Angelica says.

"Fantastic! Any more questions?"

"How many pictures do you have of Jason asleep?" Frankie asks.

"Forty seven!"

"Oh god."

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