Chapter 3: Hope you like spiders

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"Get in there."

"My niece comes with me," I say, to the two big officers trying to separate us. Angelica bows her head a little. She's shy around new people and she's little. I'm not leaving her alone just because that coward Zephyr wants me to beat up all the homophobes so they aren't mean to his little introverted self (that's exactly what he's doing, by the way).

"It's all right," Angelica mumbles, though it clearly it isn't at all all right. She has her head down. They aren't being nice. And they're scaring her. And more than that there's no reason we can't stay together; they're just being jerks.

And so I was planning on just making her invisible or something simple. Something simple so we could wait nicely while Zephyr grows a spine and decides to come and fetch us.

But then one of them says something. Under his breath a little, about Angelica. I know she hears it too because she withers a little, knotting her fists. I've heard the slur before, never directed at my niece though. Technically it might have actually been directed at me. But I wouldn't be so angry then. And they were looking at her.

"What's your worst fear?" I ask, looking them in their eyes.

"What?" one of them almost laughs.

"What's your worst fear?" I ask, feeling my eyes glow. They can't not answer now.

"Death," one says.

"Drowning," the other says, as they begin to sweat.

I snap my fingers.

A million spiders explode under their clothes, teaming on their skin, struggling to get in their mouth, and eyes, crawling gleefully up their noses in in their ears. Well over a million little black spiders each. The men start screaming only to realize that means spiders pour into their mouths.

"Bam. New worst fear. You're fucking welcome," I say, pointing finger guns at them, though spiders are working their way underneath their eyelids.

"Come on, let's wait for Zeph," I say, hugging Angelica and going into the one interrogation room. I slam the door behind us, locking it with a spell.

Angelica hugs me around the waist, tightly. I hug her back.

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