Chapter 19: The heist Part 11

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"You need to just relax. Why are you scared of me?" she's been kissing me aggressively for five minutes at least. And she shows no signs of stopping.

"Because you chained me to a wall? Can we just talk?" I ask, weakly

"Take your shirt off—oh whoops you can't," she takes a knife from her bra and cuts open the front of my shirt. She kisses my chest. Then she frowns, "Why don't you have a belly button?"

"It's actually kind of a funny story, can you let me go?"

"No, stop trying to leave, Jason," she says, annoyed now.

Behind her, the spider-girl drops from the ceiling, flipping neatly and silently to the floor. She's about to get away with the fleece while I am raped. This is beyond humiliating.

"You have to stop fighting this. I don't want to hurt you," Maddy says, petting my chest.

The spider girl stares at us for a moment. Yeah go ahead and gloat. You just got the fleece. And I'm pretty dead. You win I lose.

She puts two fingers in her mouth, and whistles.

Maddy jumps, and turns.

"Hey, why don't you pick on somebody your own size?" the spider girl asks.

"Who are you---? How did you get in here?" Maddy asks, angry now. She throws the knife at the girl.

The spider girl almost casually raises a hand, and the knife stops mid air, a few inches from her face, hot red smoke starting to spiral from her fingers.

"You wanna play? Let's play. I hope you like spiders."

Almost as if on cue, the radio changes to 'You Give Love A Bad Name', and the girls launch themselves into the air. The spider girl glows with red magic, her eyes becoming black pits. Maddy screams in anger, white gold light flowing around her.

And I'm still chained to a wall.

Hot light swirls between the girls, red emanating from the spider-girl, and gold coming from Maddy.

The spider girl is far from deterred, in fact she seems to be gaining ground.

If only I could escape.

I try to twist, but the cuffs have no lock, and no give.

There on the floor, lies the rusty sword that I tried to leave on the Argo. If only I could get it to cut me loose.

I whistle and the sword inches closer to me, which is cool, but not at all helpful.

Meanwhile the girls scream. The spider girl knocks Maddy over backwards and through the opposite wall. Maddy comes back screaming, though, launching golden knives at spider girl, who bats them away easily.

Maddy cries out in anger, blood dribbling down her face from a couple of cuts. I feel bad. We did break into her home. She was kidnapping me but you know. Still.

"Get out of my house!" Maddy screams.

"Let him go," spider girl says, hovering in the air still suspended by red smoky magic.

"Never!" Maddy runs forward but the spider girl knocks her backwards with black and red smoke that curls around her, binding her hands.

In a last ditch effort, Maddy yanks a ring off of her left hand and throws it. I didn't see how that does any good, but it is a last ditch effort.

And then a man materializes in the middle of the room. He has bleach blond hair and a lazy expression. He's wearing white pants and a white and gold button up shirt, and Birkenstocks.

"Let her go. Or the boy dies," he points a golden dagger at my neck.

The spider girl looks between us for a moment.

"Don't," I whisper. I highly doubt it's a gesture of good will.

The spider girl looks in my eyes.

"Run," she says, then my cuffs explode, burning my wrists. I fall to the ground, crying out in pain.

The girl explodes at both of them, shooting red and black light and chanting in another language what I am just going to assume are curses.

Maddy and the new Tommy Bahama model person both raise their arms to block her assault. It works, but there's effort there and neither of them manage to get a hit on her either.

Now, to orient you better to the room, the fleece is literally right there. Right there. As in within reaching distance. And I came all this way and nearly died. And I really do want it. And who am I to deny myself every single selfish desire that crosses my mind?

Yes, I grab the fleece and try to run.

"What is WRONG with him?" the Tommy Bahama model neatly trips me just with his leg, and I fall, clutching the fleece though. My mostly useless sword skitters hopefully to my hands which are currently clutching the fleece. The dude puts his---insanely heavy---foot down in the middle of my back. "You just saved his life and he decides to just randomly steal---what is that a pillow?"

"My dude, I met him five minutes ago, you know as much as I do," spider girl says, shrugging.

My fingers close around the sword and I slash backward, stabbing him in the ankle and throwing him off guard. I have about eight seconds to escape.

It's then that my father's words come to me. "Jason," he said to me, a firm hand clamped on my shoulder, "I need you to pay close attention to what I am about to tell you and remember it always: you cannot solve all your problems by launching your tiny rage filled body out the nearest window that isn't open."

I choose to take my father's advice with a grain of salt, and launch myself out the nearest window that isn't open.

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