Chapter 12: Of course I wind up here

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"What do you know about dragons?"

"Dragons generally or the one that your cousins undoubtedly enraged last night?" Dara asks, sounding like she's reading while she says it. She's one of Cassian's half sisters and a certified sane person. She's ace too so she talks to me sometimes which is cool. She's also a walking encyclopedia of random knowledge which can help when your brother is obsessed with stealing cows. 

"Let's go with option 2," I sigh, twirling the phone cord in my hand.

"It's controlled by the Titaness to guard her and her belongings and it can transform into an army of soldiers at will. It's going to be nearly impossible to defeat. You're better off to put it to sleep with a potion."

"Okay. Good to know. Thanks," I say, "Can you tell my mom I'm okay if she asks? Cass short-circuited our phones being a human lightening bolt."

"Yep. Will do. Do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm sure Hugh will show up to collect us eventually. I'm just gonna take a nap."

"Reasonable. Good luck with the dragon."

"Thanks," I hope we don't need it. I hope they won't want to storm the island again. I know for a fact that they will but I can hope.

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