Chapter 6: I wish this was the first time this happened

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"What were you doing on that island?"

"I'm not talking until I have a lawyer. We've done this," I say, rubbing my face. I don't think Penny has ear plugs. I hope she's okay. I heard a lot of screaming earlier so I assume, yes, because it wasn't her screaming. "I called my mom. She'll be here soon."

"If you're innocent why don't you tell me what you were doing on that island?"

"Because you are not my lawyer—bye," I say, waving.

"Why'd you give us a fake ID?" the cop looks very frazzled. I don't know why. I've been decent.

"That isn't a fake ID, my gender is X, it's on my birth certificate which my mother will also bring. That doesn't mean the ID is fake," I say, tiredly.

"Why were you on that island?"

"That's something you and my lawyer are gonna have a great time discussing since I'm not being charged with anything I'm going to ask for my phone," I want to text Penny.

"You're not getting your phone. You were breaking and entering and you have a fake ID."

"It's not a fake ID and I want to speak with my lawyer."

"Who is your lawyer?"

"That's not any of your business."

"Who is he?"

"How dare you assume that my lawyer is male?"

"Who is she?"

"No, he's a guy. I'm just shocked at how sexist the LAPD is."

"You kids are a trip."

"We get that a lot."

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