Chapter 25: Mission Possible

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"So, according the map, if we follow the Styx that way, we should come back to where we left the boat," Penny says, pointing.

"You---you do realize you can't just walk out of the Underworld with me?" Ari asks, his face in his hands.

"I mean it might work," I say, shrugging, "It did before."

"Before I was alive! I'm dead now," Ari sighs.

"Yeah, but you can raise the dead," Penny says.

"Yes, but now I'm the dead!"

"It's gonna work. They're gonna be too distracted to stop us," Jason says, foraging on cheerfully and tripping over a pile of human bones.

"There's no way they could be distracted enough just to simply not notice a spirit raising itself from the Underworld," Ari scoffs.

"We sent Reese to distract them," I say.

"Never mind. I keep forgetting. You're right. This could work."

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