Chapter 8: The heist Part 4

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"You don't look like you're having fun."

"I'm having the time of my life," I say, turning as Maddy walks right up to me, to tug on my leather jacket. She's shorter than me, yet somehow prettier than in her pictures. She's wearing a white tube top which seems to glow against her perfect bronze skin. Her hair is in a simple high pony and her lips shine with gloss. She's heavily made up, but doesn't look it, with natural eye make up and highlights. She bats big long lashes.

"I haven't seen you around here before. You weren't here last night," she says, tipping her head. She's unaffected by the music, mostly. Everyone else is dancing in a haze.

"First time," I say.

"What do you think?" she asks, spinning around. It does nothing different. She's wearing a black leather skirt that looks uncomfortably tight. Her legs are smooth and thin. She's wearing no shoes which I find interesting. "Do I look like the pictures?"

"I wouldn't really know. I don't have Instagram---or anything," I say, shrugging.

"But you have heard of me?"

"I would hope so."

"Come inside, have a drink with me. I can't abide all these people," she says.

"Then why have them here?" I ask, following her in through the glass patio doors to an expansive living room. People are crashed out and smoking pot and watching a TV. Reese's music echoes even in here.

Maddy leads me up a spiral glass staircase to an upper sitting room. Here it's quieter. And there are no guests.

"What do you drink?" she asks, going to the bar.

"I don't," I say, smiling a little. There it is. The fleece is there, thrown casually over a sofa. Glittering gold fabric. So close I can touch it.

"Oh really? Why not?" Maddy asks, spinning around.

"I like to have my wits about me," I say.

"You have wits?" she walks over, gently tracing my cheek with one manicured, glittering gold fingernail.

"A few."

"What's your name?"


The Fleece Job  (Olympus Drive Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now